


Monday, January 23, 2023


Deerpark, N.Y. September 25, 1835

Mr. Beebe: Having enjoyed the privilege of hearing the sentiments of different denominations developed by their orators or priests, and having compared the same with that perfect standard and arbiter of their respective claims, the Bible, by which they must be finally condemned or acquitted for their errors and departures in doctrine, ordinances, faith and practice; it appears, notwithstanding their different names and non-essentials, they mutually agree in nullifying the Scriptures of Divine Truth; in handling the word of God deceitfully;  daubing with untempered mortar and healing the wounds of Zion slightly; in tergiversation and double dealing in publishing formularies and confessions of faith contrary to their stated ministrations; in garberling, in their sermons & exhortations, that part of holy writ which treats of the sovereignty of God in the salvation of his people from their sins by grace, through faith; not of themselves - not of an arm of flesh, but in the sovereign irresistible, eternal and unconditional purpose of God in the election of his people in Christ from before the foundation of the world, and absolutely predestinating all things in conformity thereto, and working all things after the counsel of his own will for his own glory, which he will in no wise give to another.  Making all things for himself yea, the wicked for the day of evil; causing their wrath to praise him and restraining the remainder; leading his people in a way which they knew not; nay, more, making them willing in the day of his power - yea, willing without anxious benches.
Had the doctrine of election and the sovereignty of God been calculated to stop revivals of genuine religion, and make infidels and demoralize society, sheltering men in all manner of evil, as errorists have repeatedly asserted; why did infinite wisdom reveal it on every page of the Bible?  Why write it on every leaf of the laws that govern the universe, as enduring as matter itself, and plain as any property of matter?  Without which, it would be as before the Spirit of God moved thereon.  Is it not an impeachment of Divine wisdom and a contemptuous treatment of the word of God, to reject those truths revealed in his word, because they are humiliating to the pride of natural man? who is dead in trespasses and sins, and as incapable of making himself a Christian by the spirit, in and of himself by raising himself from the dead, and creating himself a new creature in Christ, as for Beelzebub to cast out devils through the prince of devils!  Does it not appear that this doctrine was revealed in mercy, as it were a flaming sword to guard the tree of life; to be as an anchor to the poor tempest-tost Christian, steadfast and sure; entering into the vale to humble the proud - to show the folly and mad idolatry of man in worshipping, instead of the Creator, nature's darling attributes, the fee will, free moral agency, general atonement, salvation by works, and justification by the deeds of the law; and to save us the trouble of originating theories, to convert the world by means of men and money, as well as from being captivated by every wind of doctrine, being wise above what is written - teaching the doctrines, traditions, ceremonies, usages, and practices of manufactured men who are made, polished and finished by mere worldly wisdom at college.

These are then sent by the same to preach for a profession - yes, let heaven and earth be astonished! to preach the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  They pretend to be sent to save his people from their sins, from the quenchless fires of hell, and to build up his kingdom of this world, till they all become converted to the love of God, or the more certain love - of money.  Would it be surprising if these diviners, for money, when trying their pranks at protracted meetings to exercise the multitude, should cause devils; leaping on them and prevailing, cry out, "Paul we know and Jesus we know, but who are you?"

Moreover, charitable errorists all agree in trimming, temporizing, and perverting the word of God, so as to take that which was delivered to the church which is quickened from the dead, not by money, tracts, Sunday schools, protracted meetings, moral suasion, free will, free moral agency, using the means, nor the prayers of pious parents; but the inspiring voice of the Son of God.  "For the time is coming and now is when the dead shall hear the voice of the son of God and those that hear shall live."  Nay, taking that which belongs to the true church as before stated, and pretend to give it to everybody who will accept - who will use our means - who will give us money - who will not be such incorrigible infidels, stupid, illiberal, uncharitable blockheads as to believe, like that "sect everywhere spoken against" that the Bible does not authorize any of our darling schemes, or that they will ever make christians manufacture gospel priests, or roll on the millennium, or coax and wheedle God out of his will to save more than the Elect, or to alter his plan to save by another gospel; because the world has become very learned and polite, therefore cannot endure sound doctrine; and the ministers whom God qualifies to preach a gospel which is spiritual, and spiritually understood, see such bad grammar and pay so little attention to tickling the ears of errorists by blackballing their "old clouted shoes," or lauding the very polite, charitable, liberal, new light theology of the present day which is so well calculated to direct to any meridian except heaven's.

It is meddlesome, very meddlesome indeed, to trouble it before its time.  But these saucy turbulent fellows are setting the world in an uproar by preaching Bible doctrine, and depending on the Lord for support in spiritual and temporal matters, instead of waiting to acquire classical attainments to enable them to preach, and fat-stated salaries for their support.  Do not wonder that these Old School baptist ministers make so many mistakes, seeing no one but the Lord sent them to preach, and did not make suitable allowance when he gave old-fashioned gospel, that might be altered to suit the fashion of every age.  Consequently, it must be served up in great splendor and pomp, and vanity and depravity, that they may be able to mimic, with the scientific facility, the most dignified theatrical action, and to attain the eminence of the most skillful logic-choppers of ancient and modern times.

Furthermore, errorists all agree that mere mechanical skill in the sciences which are the results of the labors of philosophers is indispensably necessary for all classes, to polish and enlighten their ministers to preach intelligibly what they call the gospel.  But these sciences, useful as they are in natural things, relating to many of the comforts of life, condemn them, for they teach that action and reaction are equal.  How can they communicate life - yea, eternal life to the dead in trespasses and sins?  Thus, continuing human action throughout eternity, when all human action or effort must have long ceased to act.  Reader, pardon me if you please, it reminds me indeed of the wise conclusions of the celebrated Sam Patch - "that some things can be done as well as others"; there is a work to do.  You know if we do not plough and sow, we shall not reap - if we do not use means, we shall not have any ministers; and as Christ atoned for the sins of the whole world, provided however, in all cases they will not be so blind and obstinate to their dearest interests, and hard hearted as not to accept it; and as the doctrine of Election, is found to mean nothing more than electing Christ, the Jews as a nation, and some of the Apostles, did not happen to understand the doctrine as well as the new lights now do, they being ignorant fishermen,; and as Christ has done all he possibly could do to save sinners, for it is not his will that any should perish, but that all should come unto him and have eternal life, "for turn you O house of Israel, why will you die;" and as God does not work all things after the counsel of his own will, and as every man can come unto him "if he will accept it," provided the means be used for his conversion, and as it is quite unnecessary to be born again in the out of date, old fashioned, Apostolic manner - i.e. "not by blood, nor by the will of man, nor the will of the flesh; but by the will of God" - because it is slow to make christians in his way, and so contrary to the genius of our institutions in this enlightened age of new light works, that those who are born this way are reputed as a set of unfashionable semi devils, whom it does God service to persecute as opportunity offers.

Consequently waiting for the Lord's appointed time to favor Zion, seems so much like those antinomians, anti-effort, ironbound, Old School Baptists.  It, therefore, is very desirable to make christians in another way - by another gospel; if it is not quite so cheap they must be made expeditiously, for you know there is great danger; they may die before they are manufactured.  If they should die before the Lord gets time to make them willing in the day of his power, to become christians, the means not having been used, they will, of course, all go to hell, and the rich men of the present day will be guilty of the blood of their souls, for not giving their cash liberally to provide for making christians had fallen from $17.50 per head to $3.50; this great difference is thought to be owing to the systematic application of the means of grace to the heart of sinners, and the blessed effects of Sunday schools, the distribution of pious tracts, and temperance societies in preparing youth for the reception of the gospel.

What fine encouragement this for increased exertion to erect theological seminaries for the purpose of teaching "poor pious (lazy) young men," to preach that other gospel, since the world loves its own, and Christ's kingdom being spiritual, has no agreement therewith; consequently they are opposite to each other and never can be amalgamated.  No wonder auxiliaries or little money-making societies must also be established, consisting of bible, tract, missionary, temperance, conversation, Sunday schools, ginger-bread, or ladies show, rag-bag, emancipation, and amalgamation societies; all of which being so sugared and spiced as to present a very far side towards London, in order to make them popular and very consequential, as well as profitable to the great parent society.  Then to make them appear sacred, solemn, and important, they are headed by the clergy, and sometimes Moses is invited to give his autograph or make a speech on their behalf.  This is to gain a host, for all the subs will then straightway cry out, blessed are the means that induce Moses and Aaron to unite.

No wonder the new light Clergy nurse with parental care their offspring, the benevolent institutions of the day; and marvel not they encompass land and sea to make proselytes, which when made are twofold more the children of hell than before, nor wonder why they feel the fiery zeal of Jehu for souls, and establish protracted, revival making meetings.  It is a profitable business; each has its gain from his quarter.  But it is not a wonder that they have the blasphemous hardihood to call themselves co-workers with God?  and the unblushing impudence to mimic the day of judgment, which according to the commonly conceived idea of the import of those portions of scripture, one would think might be sufficient to petrify with horror the most hardened heart; and at the consummation of which, heaven and earth dissolving, affrighted with dread consternation would flee away, and the mighty angels of God, wrapping their azure wings over their faces, would shrink into almost eternal annihilation at the unalterable sentence, "Depart you accursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels."  Yet they esteem it a light thing to number Israel and file them off to the right, causing all that think themselves christians to rise, separating some and fixing them on anxious seats, telling the poor goats at the left, that if they pass by the anxious seats where God, and Christ and the Holy Ghost are, they pass by heaven, and are on the road to hell.

How unreasonable! - how unscriptural it is to indulge or sanction the opinion, or rather the fanatical delusion, for one moment, that the eternal, immutable, omniscient, and omnipotent God - "who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will" - "who inhabits eternity," and before whom hell and destruction are naked - who fills immensity and whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain - before whose potent mandate all that is in heaven, earth, and hell must bow obsequiously, as though the swiftest thunderbolt had sped its hastiest flight in the execution of his firm decree, should be pent up in any little spot where certain seats are devoted to the use of those whose passions have been wrought up to the highest pitch of distempered frenzy, by the unscriptural application of the rod of Moses, pretendedly dipped in the ireful vengeance of God armed with the bitterest damnation and gleaming redly with the flames of hellfire.  Being thus driven contrary to their sober judgments, and contrary to scripture, to shelter themselves on those seats, while an arm of flesh vainly attempts to bring down their salvation, as though God would hear and answer the prayers made for the anxious in one seat, or in one part of the universe sooner than another.  Many other means now held in high repute, I would mention as idolatrous in practice, but for the length of this letter.

In conclusion, it is to be hoped that some of the movements of the popular errorists of the day may be continually borne in mind, and watched with vigilant care by all those who sincerely feel the glorious blessing of being brought into the liberty of the sons of God, to whom the revelation of Christ our Lord, has been revealed by the Holy Ghost, and who have the welfare and dearest interests of their country at heart.  Many christians and philanthropists, who are not bewitched by any of the societies or benevolent institutions of this day of awful darkness and delusion, be prepared to meet the crisis which undoubtedly must shortly ensue.  Must not the seven "witnesses" be slain?  Is not the star of error in the ascendant?  Is not the unhallowed union of Church and State, stealing on us with silent but fearful dread? Are not the hypocritical, intermeddling ringleaders of the abolition society, scattering their "pious tracts" to the four winds of heaven to stimulate the mass of ignorant physical power at the south, "to cut their master's throats" for Church and State purposes?  The sampsonian locks which nerved the Christian church and invigorated this beloved refuge of the oppressed, are fast being shone on the accursed lap of Philistine Delilah.  Experiments to make proselytes of questionable, if not fearful tendency, are so common as to pass unnoticed and as if authorized by the scripture, - Saul's disobedient project is most ardently pursued.  They heed not "that to obey is better than burnt offerings and sacrifices, and to hearken than the fat of rams;" they seem not to remember that we are not redeemed by such corruptible things as gold and silver, or donations of earrings and necklaces of rich, pious young ladies, but by the precious blood of Christ.

You will observe that all the benevolent institutions of the day, are originated, kept in efficient operation, and headed by the learned, college-bred clergy; who are their soul, and who use them as levers to manufacture public, private, religious, and political opinion to fill their pockets with the mammon of unrighteousness, that they fare sumptuously every day in this world and be clothed in soft fine raiment; and by means of their gotten spiritual power, control all temporal power, and either directly or indirectly, lord it over God's heritage, and finally put to silence the "witnesses" and overthrow a republican form of government.  This, from the "Signs of the Times" in my opinion, must and will shortly take place; and that the Lord may reconcile his people to his will, keep them from the contaminating mark of the beast, or the number of his name, till the brightness of his appearing, is the prayer of


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