


Sunday, January 15, 2023


Elder Beebe: Providentially I have had an opportunity of reading a few numbers of the third vol. of the Signs of the Times, and am much pleased with their contents.  I have taken some pains to circulate them in this place, but I find, as yet, the Baptists here are too much engaged in the missionary and other benevolent institutions, so-called, to receive or patronize them to much extent.  

I have lived in this place two years, and from little acquaintance, learn that the greatest portion of the Baptist Church is inwardly opposed to many of the inventions of the present day, such as protracted meetings, anxious seats, &c. but have not the boldness to come on and take a decided stand against the prevailing errors which at present disturb the church of Christ.

In April last, a protracted-meeting was held at the public square by the Presbyterians, in which some of the Baptists united; of their proceedings I can give you but little account, as I attended but one day, which was on Sunday.  They succeeded, however, in getting up a partial excitement, which mostly subsided with the meeting.  At the commencement of the discourse on the day above alluded to, the presiding priest - better known in these parts as a lawyer - with a loud and commanding voice, requested all who wished, or had any anxiety for religion, to retire to the Anxious-Room, and soon commenced his sermon; the amount of the discourse was merely mechanical; he stated that if were were to learn the trade of a mechanic, we would come out mechanics - if we read for a Physician, we came out a Physician - if we studied for a lawyer, we came out a layer; thus making use of these simple things as a means of acquiring the Christian Religion.  Not one word do I recollect of being said concerning the Atonement, or application of the precious blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse the spotted soul, or wash it, from its sins; a few remarks to the professed christians, stating to them that there was more feeling on the subject than when they commenced, the church has began to wake up, backsliders began to return, and sinners were converted!  But, said he, there is still too little feeling, not half praying enough, or laboring with sinners, and then closed by pouring out a volley upon those that were present, because others did not come on the week day, rain and storm not excusing, they would be called Sunday christians.  These things I have tried but cannot relish; they took me like blasphemy; they bring on occasion of joy, but one the contrary serious cause of regret, that the precious causes is perverted and made merchandize of, and the way of truth evil spoken of.  It is indeed a day of darkness and delusion, but there is one consolation that should ever cheer the hearts of God;'s people, that is, they have a great High Priest who can be touched with the feelings of their infirmities, and whose electing grace, and dying love, will never permit one of his dear children to be lost.  I will not assure you that the fallow-ground of my heart was ever broken up, or that I have tasted the pardoning love of Jesus; but one thing I know, is, that I enjoy sweet consolation in perusing the columns of your valuable paper.

Since the above was written, I have obtained subscribers for two copies besides myself, for which I enclose $3, for as many copies of the fourth volume.

Your, with much respect and esteem,
Aaron Richardson

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