x Welsh Tract Publications: THE OFFICE OF THE MINISTRY




Saturday, January 4, 2025


[This is section 3 of Brother Adam Well's essay on the Ministry - ed]

The office of the ministry is a role ordained by God that must be established and respected in the church. Those who reject the authority of God's appointed officers reject the order that God has established in His church.

In the Old Testament, the congregation of Israel had the office of priest (Hebrews 7:5; Exodus 28:1; Numbers 18:7). These priests were not self-appointed, but were called and ordained by God for their sacred duties. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul magnified his apostolic office and authority over the churches (Romans 11:13; II Corinthians 10:8). He did not apologize for his God-given position, but rather emphasized it to correct those who would resist his authority.

In the local church, a bishop or overseer is selected from among the congregation to hold office (I Timothy 3:1; Acts 1:20; Psalm 109:8). This is not a position that one takes for themselves, but rather one that is recognized and affirmed by a minister. Likewise, deacons are also officers with a formal position of service in the church (I Timothy 3:10, 13). Their ministry has a different focus of service under the authority of the bishop.

Some may argue that since we are all kings and priests in Christ (Revelation 1:6), no other person should be placed in authority over the church. They may appeal to the equality of all believers in Galatians 3:28. However, this equality in standing before God does not eliminate the diversity of roles and offices within the body of Christ. Paul plainly teaches the church that not all members have the same office or function (Romans 12:4-8). While all God’s elect are equally adopted sons of God, we are not all equal in authority or responsibility.

To reject the office of the ministry is to reject the order that God has established in His church. It is a form of pride and rebellion against God's appointed authority. Those who resist the ministry resist the One who established it. The church must recognize and respect the office of the ministry, i.e. pastors, and submit to the authority of those whom God has placed over them. To do otherwise is to invite disorder and error into the church.

Therefore, let us honor and support those whom God has called to the ministry. Let us pray for them, encourage them, and submit to their authority. For in doing so, we are submitting to the order that God has established in His church. And let those who would reject the ministry be warned: to resist the ministry is to resist God Himself.

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