Friday, January 31, 2025
As in the distinction between the two Heads, the first man and the second Man, so is the distinction between the two lives brought forth severally in these distinct Heads; consequently so is the distinction between the bonds of union by which each Head is united with its body and members.
The one bond is earthly, the other is spiritual; the one commenced in time and is dissolved in time, the other commenced in eternity, and therefore unchanged by changing time, will be eternal.
The one head, Adam, being created under the law, and his posterity in him; the other Head, Christ, as the Son of the Father, was set up and His posterity in Him, under the everlasting covenant, that is “ordered in all things and sure,” they are therefore as sons loved with an everlasting love, and therefore with “loving kindness” are they drawn.
Again as the members of Adam's family, or of the creation in him, are made manifest as such by being “born of the flesh;” so the members of Christ's body can be manifested only by being “born of the Spirit.” They are by this brought into personal existence - as new creatures, and are now personified by their new life.
Hence says Christ speaking of His disciples; “They are NOT of the world, even as I am NOT of the world.” (John 17:16;) and says Paul; “If I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.” (Romans 7:20 - See also 1 John 3:9 and 5:18.)
As the posterity of Adam came into existence under the curse of the law as having been in him when he fell; so the posterity of Christ in their new birth, are born into the blessings of the new covenant, as well those exceeding great and precious promises given them in Christ as that full provision for their deliverance from under the law; therefore they receive not the spirit of bondage again to fear; but they receive the Spirit of Adoption, whereby they cry, Abba, Father.
This much in relation to the union of Christ's people with Him. I will now briefly notice this union with Adam &c. - Whilst they were thus set up in Christ, and as such, loved with an everlasting love, it was the pleasure of the Father that they should be partakers of flesh and blood, and therefore as rational creatures they were created in a natural head, Adam, and under the law; were in common with all his posterity, left to fall in him, and become subject to the curse of the law.
While they were thus a part of the same fallen family of Adam involved in the same condemnation, they by the eternal purpose of God were distinguished from the rest of the human family - and were from the beginning “chosen unto salvation,” and “predestinated unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ,” and were given to Christ as His portion, as it is written, the “Lord's portion is His people; Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.”
It was also necessary in order to their being brought into liberty as sons, and receive the spirit of adoption, that they should be redeemed from under the law, and also to be slain by it, that their union to it might be dissolved.
For all this provision was made in the everlasting covenant, and the accomplishment thereof assigned to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit in their respective offices.
Their redemption could alone be accomplished by One who could fulfill the demands of the law, and make it honorable in their behalf, and consequently alone by one who could be acknowledged by Divine Justice, as standing in their law- place.
Christ being their Brother, their Head, their Husband in the everlasting covenant, an in relation to the life therein set up, the right of redemption belonged to Him, He could take their law-place and obey in their behalf, and be accepted by Divine Justice.
is but an earthly creature, and a branch of fallen stock! Again we are told that Christ laid down His life for the sheep. Now if He did not lay down His life in the place, or stead, of the sheep, how will we find an atonement in the death of Christ? and how will we find a ransom in it? If He laid down His life for us in any other sense than as suffering that punishment which was due to our transgressions?
Instead of that nominal union which many talk of, which is produced by the creature's believing – the Scriptures speak of a real oneness. “Both He that sanctifieth, and they who are sanctified, are all of one;” is the Scripture testimony (Hebrews 2:11), and so I believe.
Instead of this union being founded in Christ's assumption of a human nature; the Scriptures speak of His taking flesh and blood as a consequence of His relation to the children who were partakers thereof. “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, He also likewise Himself took part of the same; &c.” - What children? - Those of whom Christ says; “Behold, I and the children which God hath given Me.” (Hebrews 2:14,13). And this is not simply a oneness of views, but a oneness of life.
Now, Brother Jim, I pass on to address the scattered believers whose trust is in the Lord, and have no confidence in the flesh - not theirs, not preachers' nor any other creature. A lovely and lovable scattered flock; not esteemed by the self-righteous and confident, whose soul-troubles are nor so sharp or trying that they cannot rest on their lees, with a pain of conscience now and then. “Simon, I have somewhat to say unto thee.” “There was a certain creditor which had two debtors: the one owed five hundred pence, and the other fifty. And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both. Tell Me therefore, which of them will love him the most?” Simon correctly named the one that owed the most. “Thou hast rightly judged.” (Luke 7:41-43.) I think sometimes it is a pity that the one that owes so little are the ones so quick to join the church; while the ones so great in debt are the more backward. And I steam when I sense, rightly or wrongly, that one who owes so little is ready to castigate the poor trembling Mary, full of fear, and hesitantly, yet bravely finally slipping in to weap at His feet. Simon - the self-righteous hypocrite! “If this man were a prophet, He would know what manner of woman touchest Him, for she IS a sinner.” But the sweetness of the gentle Savior, inspired the writer to not let that stand! The text, "she WAS a sinner." Blessed difference in vantage-points!
Elder Samuel Trott, 1833.
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