


Saturday, January 11, 2025


The importance of preserving a godly ministry cannot be overstated. In a world filled with darkness and deception, the Church is called to be a beacon of truth and righteousness, for it is the pillar and ground of truth (1 Tim 3:15). At the heart of this duty is the ministry – those called by God to shepherd His flock. Yet, the effectiveness of the ministry is not solely the responsibility of pastors and leaders. Every member of the body of Christ plays a crucial role in preserving and strengthening the ministry. Let’s review the duties of obedience, prayer, and open communication in supporting those who have been entrusted with the care of our souls.

First and foremost, obedience to the teachings of our ministers is essential. The Word of God commands us to obey those who have the rule over us, for they watch over our souls (Heb 13:7, 17). This obedience is not blind or unquestioning; rather, it is an acknowledgment of their divine appointment to guide us in the ways of righteousness. To disregard their teachings is to invite spiritual famine, a lack of the nourishing words of God (Amos 8:11-12). This famine can manifest in the removal of ministers themselves or in God withdrawing His ability from them, rendering their words empty, useless, and even erroneous (Ezekiel 33:30-33; Isaiah 29:9-14). The apostle Paul encourages us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. Our obedience to our pastors is a demonstration of our obedience to God, and it brings joy to those who labor over us (Phil 2:12-17).

Prayer is our most powerful weapon in preserving the ministry. Pastors are on the frontlines of spiritual battle, constantly facing the attacks of the enemy, from within and without. It is our duty to lift them up in prayer, that they may proclaim the mystery of the gospel with clarity and boldness (Eph 6:18-19; Col 4:3; II Thess 3:1). Prayer is a shield that protects them from the darts of wickedness, a fortress that strengthens them for the work to which they have been called. Let us not be negligent in this crucial task, for the effectiveness of the ministry hinges on the power of prayer.

Finally, open and honest communication is essential for building a strong and healthy ministry. Pastors are not omniscient; they cannot read our hearts or know our struggles unless we freely communicate with them. To hold problems inside, to bear burdens alone, only increases the weight on our pastors. This is not to say that we should inundate them with every trivial matter; rather, we should seek their counsel in times of need, just as they seek the counsel of God's Word. Let us use their time wisely, considering how our actions might impact the entire flock. Would our behavior overburden them if emulated by all? By communicating freely and responsibly, we can strengthen the bonds of unity and facilitate the effective shepherding of God's people.

The preservation of the ministry is a shared responsibility. While pastors are called to feed, lead, and protect the flock, the members of the body are called to obey, pray, and communicate openly to their pastor. Let us not take lightly these duties, for they are crucial in maintaining a vibrant and effective ministry. As we faithfully fulfill our roles, we can expect God to bless and prosper His Church, that His name might be glorified in all the earth. Remember that in the perilous times of the last days, church people will “heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears (2 Tim 4:3).”

The preservation of a godly ministry is a matter of utmost importance. Through obedience to our pastors, prayer for their protection and empowerment, and open communication regarding our souls, we can strengthen the ministry and preserve its effectiveness. Let us rise to the challenge, that we might be a Church that is pleasing to God and a light to the world in all practical ways.

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