We warn our readers that this text is difficult to read. It represents the writings of an Anglican who disparaged those who broke away from the Church of England.
A "tub preacher" was a disparaging term used for untrained preachers, who had no college education. These men were many times washermen, or men who did menial tasks for a living, and then would overturn their washtub over and use them as elevated pulpits to preach from - ed.
Showing the Vanity, folly, and madness of the boy's buff coat, mechanic Frize-coat, lay illiterate men and women, to usurp the Ministry, and Audaciously vent their own Heretical opinions, in their house-(alias Tub)—Preachings. viz. to Wit a:
Tub-preachers overturned OR independency to be abandoned and abhor'd as destructive to the Majestracy and Ministery, of the Church and Common-wealth of England.
Proved in a satisfactory Answer to a Libelous Pamphlet, entitled A Letter to Mr. Thomas Edwards, with an infamous Dedication.
Showing the Vanity, folly, and madness of the boy's buff coat, mechanic Frize-coat, lay illiterate men and women, to usurp the Ministry, and Audaciously vent their own Heretical opinions, in their house-(alias Tub)—Preachings. viz. to Wit a:
Robine a Sadler.
Sammon a Shoemaker.
Barde a Smith.
Kiffin a Glover.
[Thomas] Patience a Taylor.
Tue a Girdler.
Wilkin the Meal-man.
Fletcher a Cooper.
Hobson a Taylor.
Oates a Button-maker.
Ives a Boxmaker.
Barebone a Lether-seller.
Parvis a Gold-smith.
Lamb a Soap-boiler.
Bignall a Porter.
Henshaw a Confectioner, alias infectioner
Bulcher a Chicken-man.
Hawes a Broker.
Duper a Cow-keeper.
Reader, I cannot inform you of their Christian names because 'tis questionable whether they have any.
Robine a Sadler.
Sammon a Shoemaker.
Barde a Smith.
Kiffin a Glover.
[Thomas] Patience a Taylor.
Tue a Girdler.
Wilkin the Meal-man.
Fletcher a Cooper.
Hobson a Taylor.
Oates a Button-maker.
Ives a Boxmaker.
Barebone a Lether-seller.
Parvis a Gold-smith.
Lamb a Soap-boiler.
Bignall a Porter.
Henshaw a Confectioner, alias infectioner
Bulcher a Chicken-man.
Hawes a Broker.
Duper a Cow-keeper.
Reader, I cannot inform you of their Christian names because 'tis questionable whether they have any.
Jude 13.
"Raging waves of the Sea, foaming out their own shame, wan∣dring stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of Darkness forever."
London, Printed for George Lindsey, and are to be sold at his shop over against London-stone. 1647.
Tub-Preachers overturned, or Independency to be abandoned and abhorred, as destructive to the Magistracy and Ministry of the Church and Commonwealth of ENGLAND: Proved in a satisfactory Answer to a Li∣libelous Pamphlet, (entitled, A Letter to Mr. Thomas Edwards with an infamous Dedication.)
SIR, Worthy Sir, Reverend, Honoured, Grave, Dear Friend, Father, Good Master.
We cannot wonder at the loftiness of your looks, nor at the exorbitant humor of your spirit when we find you so woefully bespattered and courted from every part of the Kingdom, where Satan we fear has his Throne.
Sirrah, you the Dictator, that in the first word and line call your self we, what loftiness of looks; what humor of spirit behold you in Master Edwards, or how woefully be spattered and courted from every part of the Kingdom, which is (in the first place) amongst your too many Errors, a Contradiction; to be bespattered and yet courted. Sir, I verily believe good Mr. Edwards (as in your ridiculous title) is first good in withstanding to your face your most blasphemous evils: secondly, Master, because by him you are taught to amend your manners both of words and doctrines: Sir, He sets the saddle up∣on the right hose, and has rid you till your galled backs com∣pell you to kick.
But, say you, these courtings come from every part of the Kingdom, where Satan, you fear, hath his Throne. By which I hope, though you, like him, have name and nature; for name legions, nature compassing all the parts of this Kingdom; So, like to him, shall you fall like lightning: if ye have two natures this is one of a Sectary.
Page 1. line 12. Our thoughts are extremely divided; we know not well whether to look upon you under the blindness of a deluded brother, or perverseness of a resolved enemy; having once (we once believed) received the knowledge of the truth, we will put our charity on the tenters (as you have put the Covenant). What ribble rabble is this?
Sir, I truly believe your thoughts are extremely divided, so your hearts, your judgments, I spare to say your wives: Division is your delightful Harmony; your music's concord: your thoughts, hearts, households, and Churches are divided. You look upon him under the blindness of a deluded brother, yet you believe he once received the knowledge of the truth. In this see your own blindness which your wall-eyes look under; Not all your delusions of profits, advancements, which your party has encroached upon in your new moulded Church-Conventicle-gatherings, could be able to shake his foundation; nor could he, having once the knowledge of the truth, be deceived by your errors by all your glazing specious pretenses of New-Light, Christ upon his Throne, Godly Party, Free-grace, Saints, Comfort of believers, Divine Light, Pilgrim of the Saints, and Honeycomb, and a thousand sweet lies in them to have a man go slumbering to hell in a feather-bed.
No wonder you call this an adulterous generation when you account it a light thing to say put cut the candle and kiss me.
Page 2. line 27. Who (under God) have been the pillars and only supporters of a reeling and tottering State?
Hold, let's have no swearing: sure I am there's lying (if you intend your party of Independents ;) you the only Pillers and Supporters? do you not (in this) act the part of Alexander the Coppersmith, to Brazen out your untruths and notable lies thus? Sir, I know the Ambition of the party that falsely assumes to themselves the Repairers of our breach, and restorers of our paths to dwell in. Sirrah, I did verily believe, ye had been so fully satisfied in this point by that Right-worthy Dr. John Bastwick; that he had stopped all the mouths of such Railing, Lying, Black-mouth communicating adversaries, that you had not had the Brazenface impudence once more to assert it, in his most industrious Book intituled, the utter Routing of all the Independents and Sectaries &c. Which Book is to be bought or borrowed at the Book-seller shop over against London Stone. Unto which Book I recommend the Reader, for this full satisfaction there shall he read a catalog of our worthy Pillars, Heroes, Patriots of this Reeling and tottering state; nor then were, or, now are Independents, those that injured she most trouble and danger in the heat of the day.
Page 3. line 14. We could tell the world and you, a tru∣er story of the late Pranks of Mr. &c. (whose name you know; but we wil spare) of his late supplanting the Merchant: and getting his espoused mistress with child: (which act with all its circumstances, we find not in all your gangreene Parralled) of Sir, I very well know where your shoe pinches you; the late Pranks of Mr. &c. or etcetera, Sir, I had thought &c. had been such a former vexation to you in the oath Exofficio; that ever after you would forbear to charge it upon another, Sure this is one like the rest: if any Presbyterian should so disorderly walk, you would not be so mealy-mouthed as to forbear to name him; But I rather believe (in this) you (Iack an-ape like) imitate the actions of Auicus the Oxford Scribler (Saving in this your Simplicities, you discover your self the contrary) that when he wanted novelties; could forge them; so you because Mr. Edwards in his Gangrena does justly, truly reprove you, you unjustly, and untruly intimate, you could say so or so; but I wil tell truth of one of a 100,000 thou∣sand (Mr. Edwards has not heard of) Mr. Armstrong that on the 10th of March 1647. The day the Parliament ordered, to be set apart for public humiliation: to beseech Almighty God to stop the growth or, increase of Heresies, Blasphemies &c. He being of a queasy stomach to this came into Foster-lane (he is well known at the dagger) before that Godly minister Mr. Norton and Mr. _____ had ended their afternoons Sermon, Armstrong said, have not these Fellows done cursing us it? Will they curse us all day? I think they will never have done cursing of us.
P, 4 l. 4. To carry on the design you dwell usher in a foreign force; the Netherlands have done you good service, Sir, your party hath done the devil more. Let any indifferent Reader judge between us, whose design? yours, or ours; (for now I am of the plural number too) your design is Rebellions Irish Hodg-Podg, a curdled mess of altogether: or, ours a united, concealed, Semented, Selected, govern∣ment whose design I say; is the most like to give way too or usher in a foreign force: further, whether the Netherlands has done us good service, is referred to Judgement; whether I, or no, I am sure like Factions to your own hath done Ger∣manie an evil service, yea, has been their utter ruin, and (almost) total desolation. He referred my Judicious Reader to the Historie of Anabaptists of High and Low Germanie; in which, to his grief of heart, he may justly fear the like sad events approaching upon this, by this reproachfully adulterate generation of Vipers.
Page 4. line 27. Sir, you with your Gangrene have been weighed, and are found too light, and verily your expected Kingdome is departing. Sir, do you put your Foole-point here? I think your semy (alias) silly Colon, is a stop too much: Sir, you with your six-leave'd scurrilous Pamphlet have been weighed in the Scale of Judgement, & you are found a worthless, witless Noddie; Sir, it proclaims you a mere Mechanic: my Genius prompts me, you are by Profession one of these two, a Weaver, or Cobler; a Weaver I guess, by that home-spun, course, gross-weaved Fustian in your Booke; a Cobler, by your Patching and Borching, nick-named Heresie, malignant-Prelacie, were-drawn-Covenant; yea, a Cobler I could wish you the rather, then should I hope in time you'd mend. Reader, I shall be careful to avoid prolixities, (a thing extremely affected by my Antagonist) therefore for brevity's sake I shall not trace him in his nonsensical reiterated lines, but in those of most concern, remembring the wise mans Mandamus, Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou be like him.
Page 5. line 19. Know you not who saith, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal: why then, as men distracted, cry you out so loud for Magisterial external force? Sir, we know the Apostle so said: in that instance of the Gospel-Doctrine of Jesus Christ, the whole world (almost) in opposition against them, they had nor, nor could have such Magisterial or outward force; yet God invested them with Miracles, mightily to compel or convince their (like yours) stiff-necked and uncircumcised of heart, which you more cunningly appropriate to tender conscience: but we have the Precept of Jesus Christ for our example, to inflict corporal, penal punishments upon such incorrigible blasphemers and offenders. Sir, with a three. string whip he jerked out of the Temple those abusers of it, Iohn 2. inferior to your selves. Sir, can you deny this Legall punishment to be a Gospel right? And now, if through our silence to God, the Magistrate, and Ministers, you should persist in your unholy unsanctified, unwarranted progress, the very stones in our streets (I verily believe) would cry out against us.
Page 5. line 36. You war indeed, but it is after the flesh; no wonder your conquest is no more, for the Spirit of the Lord we fear is departed from you. Pray you to speak softly, give your charity to their stretch upon the Tenters, or Ile give you rope enough to stretch necks. If you, the troublers of our Israel were all departed far enough, good enough, to your good new Ca∣naan, good riddance: because you separate from us, account yourselves all the Spirit of the Lord. There is more reason, and I rather believe it, ye are of your father the Devil, his work ye doe; then at least, ye are the Devil's Journeymen, and I fear he'll recompense you. Sir, we warre not after the flesh, but against it, we hold, fight the good fight of Faith, and our conquest over you is the overthrow of your Babel, so vast and unlimited, and all you that contribute your utmost assistance, carrying up your Dung and untempered Mortar to make up the Bulke: in this Fall, or Confusion, themselves are lost in the Rubbish.
Page 6. line 22. Tell us not, Sir, of a specious Ordination, any farther then you can attest its Divinitie by the concomitance of the Spirit, we shall else look upon it as a means to delude the simple; tell us not (as your predecessors did) of order and decency in the Church. Sir, this specious Ordination, which your Faction doth refractorily oppose we can (and have done with all circumstances) prove its Divinitie by the un-erring Spirit of Truth, by the example of Christ, that at one time ordained 70 Disciples, and then sent them forth, the practice of his blessed Apostles, and since in the Primitive Church, in all Ages successively; which I here omit (as I said) to avoid prolixity. But now Sir, I do demand of your Il dependant illiterate parties, man or woman, by what specious Ordination, or Call, ordinary or extraordinary, do you intrade yourselves into our Pulpits, to infect or touch our Congregations with your Leprous Doctrines? In this, ye imitate the Devil's practice. Iob 1. In the day the sonnes of God appeared before God, Satan likewise came in amongst them but for hurt and affliction of godly Iob: and therefore, this Ordination we use it not as a means to deceive the simple (were ye so wise as to believe it) but as an Ordinance of Christ.
Tell us not of order and decency in the Church. Shall I tell ye? if not, worthy M. Edwards shall tell the world of you: of your too many disorders, irreverent Antichristian behaviors in all Churches (where ye come) by your pragmatic schismatically preaching (alias) prattling Buffe-Coats, and others: Ile name but one of 10,0000, where they pissed in a Font, and brought a bald horse in the Church to the Font, and baptized him by the name of Ball-Esau, because said they he was Harry. Gangrena 3. And although you will not be told of order and decency in the Church, I tell ye these disorders and undecent distractions and confusions, the God of order and peace is not the Author of, but the Devil, 1 Cor. 14. 33.
Page 7. line 18. Sir, were you a messenger of Christ, your work would be to go and preach and hold forth the everlasting Gospel, which alone is the arme of God to salvation, you would more cry up the sword of God than of Gideon, you would see more cogent convincing authority to subdue the heart by one Evangelical scriptum est, then a thousand political fiat Justitia's, or all the arbitrary boundless Canonical Ipse Dixit's in the world. Sir, this I profess your Masterpiece. Sir, to doubt M. Edwards to be a messenger of Christ, I account it impertinent, not worth resolving: His servants (or messengers) ye are, to whom ye obey. That he obeys & follows Christ's precepts, or example, I prove thus: Christ his great and principal work was, to redeem the world and save it; but his first work, as most necessary, was to confute or convince the world of sin, and this he began at 12 years age: He had a greater work to do; yet this (though inferior) was first, as most requisite, to confound & put to silence such Rab∣bies and Ring-leaders (as your selves, that opposed his King∣dome & Doctrine, when he disputed with those Doctors that were astonied at his Wisdom & Doctrine. This was St. Pauls's practice (a chosen Vessell of Christs by a Call extraordinaire) who fought the good fight of Faith with Beasts of Ephesus (as M. Edwards doth in England) after the manner of men: he wrought with his hands, not that every dispenser of the Gospel should do so (as ye doe) but because he would not bring reproach on the Gospel of Christ (as ye doe.) Sir, tell me now, is there nothing to be done by a Minister, or messenger of Christ but only to preach? you (as we) well know, where God hath his Church, the Devil hath his Chappell; and though his messengers give all diligence, yet the Devils Agents will make Books sow their Tares: therefore, there is something more to be done, then only to preach the everlasting Gospel. Surely, M. Edwards (in these sad times) holds forth this contention between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent, to be Evangelical, and approved of by the everlasting Gospel, and as the right and strong Arme of God to salvation.
You would more cry up the sword of God than of Gideon. Sir, why must we have this distinction, as if the sword of Gi∣dion was not the Lords? The Israelites (as we do) cry up, the sword of the Lord and of Gideon, or Magistrate: This we well know is your way of babbling. Sir, this way of M. Ed∣wards, reprehending you and reproving you sharply (as the Apostle commands) is of a great convincing Authoritie to subject the heart, and rip off that fore-skin, were not your Adamite hearts harder then the Adamant; yea, it would be to you an Evangeicall Scriptum est.
Page 8. line 8. The way to Heaven ye tell men, is by the gate of Hell; and more than half-damned they must be, ere they must think of being saved: and who but ye (in the despair of poor creatures) ordained to speak peace? Sir, indeed this Doctrine, so much of it as we maintain, is far different or separate from your pleasing one: yet this we know, the way to Heaven is not strewed with rushes, and that those which will live godly in Christ Jesus, must suffer Persecution, Tribulation, Anguish, the grief of heart and mind, &c. This is not (as yours) to nihilate the Doctrine of Repentance, but to bring them to humility to whom God giveth grace; when he resisteth such proud, Pharisaical, high-minded, Soul-murderers, Braggadochio's, as your selves. Is this by the gate of Hell? I am sure it is the way to know themselves; a thing ye are most ignorant of.
And who but yee ordained to speak peace. Why Sir who but they? who are ye? Are any of you the Prophets, or the sons of the Prophets? Sir, remember that Uzziah was struck (by God) with a Leprosie, for intruding presumptuously upon the Priests Office: I hold you (if Prophets) to be the sonnes of that old lying Prophet, which countermanded that Prophet sent on Gods message, who believing his lyes, was destroyed by a Lion in the way. If we should believe your peace, when you squeal out pax, pax, (as I could instance in many your blasphemous doctrines) we should wholly neglect our eternal and everlasting peace.
Pag. 8. l. 35. But Sir, in good earnest let's have more sense, and fewer volumes, fower tales and more truths, smaller books and bigger Arguments (these bum bast Editions tire all, but satisfied none) Reasons are sold by weight, and not by tale. Yea, Sir, in sober sadness, yee shall have more sense when your illiterate numbers learn to read, then they'll love to write and speak sense when they cry up Humane earning, and other external properties, as these unlearned Rabbies account them; till when these volumes of necessity must increase with your Numbers; you shall have fewer tales and more truths when you forget your lying Mother-tongue, as well as your Latin one; for take this for truth, so long as vee pray, preach, dispute nonsense, lyes, and those knaveries are ashamed to own; in your own dialect they shall be repeated, and thrown as dung in your face; and then shall you have more weigh∣tier Reasons of the Sunne, when such Moon-calves shall be brought to the Knowledge and Love of God and of his Wis∣dome and Truth, and to love and Charity to their brethren.
Now he comes to a rude draught of a simple Inventory of Mr. Edwards Books; this hairy roughness shows them to be of the hated brood of Esau, whose hoary-hairy scapes God doth and shall smite with a frenzies lunacies, which they call illumination of the spirit. Imprimis, given to the Honourable House of Commons, out of hopes to find favor there, so many Books. Sir, what you call hopes. I can affirm is, he hath assurance to find favor with the Honourable House of Commons, the King, and House or Lords too, yea with the Assembly of Divines, and all the knowing Orthodox men in Christendom: Sir seed not your fancies with vain hopes of the late brags you made of the strength of your Party in the Parliament-Houses, Armies, and Kingdome; these are but meer scar-crow•s which your unlicensed Printing press hath divulged, of which Overton in Newgate can give testimony, as well as Lilburne in the Tower. Item, given to your reverend self for your reverend Copy so many 40. s. in dry money (too much by 39. in so dry a bargain) See Reverend Mr. Ed∣wards (if you were not of the viperous Generation) is Right Worthy by you to be reverenced as your best and most reve∣rend Master or Tutor, and therefore take warning that if you persist to bristle up your prick-ears at him, with your wild∣lookt meager countenance, that hee, or some in his behalf shall pick your guber teeth with such a bed staff as Dr. Bastwick did. Item, given to a Schoole-boy, to correct your false Latin, and other amendments, 40. s. in dry money, (too much by 39. in so dry a bargain.) Sir, he that can write true Latin, can as truly correct it as Mr. Edwards doth himself. But Sir if you have not broke Priscian head more than once, Ile give you leave to break mine: But Ile takes the pains as I would give you correction, to correct your Page last, line first, Ambobus manibus iterum iterumque approbatar, which I thus correct, Ambabus manibus iterumque iterumque approbatur. Sir, the rest of the Inventory, is so full of nonsensical simplicities not worth repeating, or answering; yet for the Readers satisfaction let him judge. Item, given to the Grecian, for helping you to the Originals, and filling up the Hebrew blanks 59. shillings and 3. groats: I fear you want one groat worth of wit. Item, so many sold for little or nothing, to the Exchange, to Grocers, Cookes, &c. Item so many sequestered for my own proper use, in my study behind the door (alias the house of Office) and for my servants so many; and many more such like Items: But Sir, take this one item from me, that if these thin-leaved empty volumes of a sheet and a half, and your saucy lies in them shall still be vented against the Parliament, Assembly, Church of England, Mr. Edwards, Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Pryn, &c. Ile publish to the world your illi∣cerate, mechanic, nonsensical cobbled-fustian-Tubbers, men and women, the names and qualities of some of them for this time Ile but nominate,
These and 40. more for the men preachers; and for your women-Tubbers, alias Dubbers, my Muse shall only sing of one.
Sir, that this estimate is more infallible than yours, to which ye: subscribed R. S. I have likewise annexed G. L. for the honest Reader to judge. Reader this R. S. or Ralph Smith is the Book-seller that prints and publisheth Mr. Edwards Gangrena's; Sir, if he should make such a lame account as you bring, he would shew little wisdom to re-print such volumes: But sirrah, this is like one of your falsities you said of Dr. Bastwicks, viz. That his Bookes had made more Independents than they had dissuaded from it. And Sir, for that whibling scandalous Pamphlet, called A sudden Answer to Dr. Bastwicks utter routing of all the Independents and sectaries, of one sheet of paper, in which you undertake to answer his 100 sheets; But because it is not worth his while to reply too; I shall (God willing) give any indifferent Reader a full and good account to answer in your own Dialect excepting your railing and lying, &c. Sir, let me (for your own sake) desire you as a Christian Brother, to recall these passions, and reclaim them, to set Christ before you as the truest pattern to learn of him to be meek, humble, lowly in your own eyes, this will raise you to a high pitch of piety and acceptance with Almighty God.
Sir, let me exhort ye as a Christian Brother, to set Christ blessed Apostle S. Peter as a true pattern before you to imitate him (in your unerring Church) although S. Paul repro∣ved S. Peter, Gal. 2. 11. But when Peter came to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed; yet Pe∣ter of that godly knowledge doth acknowledge and approve of all S. Pauls Epistles, 2 Pet. 3. 15. 16. And accounts that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you. As also in all his Epistles speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable, wrest as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.
London, Printed for George Lindsey, and are to be sold at his shop over against London-stone. 1647.
Tub-Preachers overturned, or Independency to be abandoned and abhorred, as destructive to the Magistracy and Ministry of the Church and Commonwealth of ENGLAND: Proved in a satisfactory Answer to a Li∣libelous Pamphlet, (entitled, A Letter to Mr. Thomas Edwards with an infamous Dedication.)
SIR, Worthy Sir, Reverend, Honoured, Grave, Dear Friend, Father, Good Master.
We cannot wonder at the loftiness of your looks, nor at the exorbitant humor of your spirit when we find you so woefully bespattered and courted from every part of the Kingdom, where Satan we fear has his Throne.
Sirrah, you the Dictator, that in the first word and line call your self we, what loftiness of looks; what humor of spirit behold you in Master Edwards, or how woefully be spattered and courted from every part of the Kingdom, which is (in the first place) amongst your too many Errors, a Contradiction; to be bespattered and yet courted. Sir, I verily believe good Mr. Edwards (as in your ridiculous title) is first good in withstanding to your face your most blasphemous evils: secondly, Master, because by him you are taught to amend your manners both of words and doctrines: Sir, He sets the saddle up∣on the right hose, and has rid you till your galled backs com∣pell you to kick.
But, say you, these courtings come from every part of the Kingdom, where Satan, you fear, hath his Throne. By which I hope, though you, like him, have name and nature; for name legions, nature compassing all the parts of this Kingdom; So, like to him, shall you fall like lightning: if ye have two natures this is one of a Sectary.
The erring spirit transforms and makes it vary,
From what men should, do most, yea quite the contrary.
Page 1. line 12. Our thoughts are extremely divided; we know not well whether to look upon you under the blindness of a deluded brother, or perverseness of a resolved enemy; having once (we once believed) received the knowledge of the truth, we will put our charity on the tenters (as you have put the Covenant). What ribble rabble is this?
Sir, I truly believe your thoughts are extremely divided, so your hearts, your judgments, I spare to say your wives: Division is your delightful Harmony; your music's concord: your thoughts, hearts, households, and Churches are divided. You look upon him under the blindness of a deluded brother, yet you believe he once received the knowledge of the truth. In this see your own blindness which your wall-eyes look under; Not all your delusions of profits, advancements, which your party has encroached upon in your new moulded Church-Conventicle-gatherings, could be able to shake his foundation; nor could he, having once the knowledge of the truth, be deceived by your errors by all your glazing specious pretenses of New-Light, Christ upon his Throne, Godly Party, Free-grace, Saints, Comfort of believers, Divine Light, Pilgrim of the Saints, and Honeycomb, and a thousand sweet lies in them to have a man go slumbering to hell in a feather-bed.
If Mr. Edwards recites to the world the ungodly blasphemous unworthiness of your ways in your own Dialect: you fell foul with him, and cry out Persecution, the ruins of the Saints, &c. As though you should go on in your crooked erroneous paths uncontrolled or unrecalled, and then if you afford him (as you have but few) a good thought or word, you stretch your charity upon the tenters as he the Covenant when it is notoriously known there hath not been in any age in Christendom like Covenant-breakers to your selves Malignants or others, for which I thus brand you.
Page first, line last, Sir in the so desperate Career, give us leave sadly to ask you whence and whither so fast? Sir, I shall gladly resolve you, this post-haste is to overtake you that so madly gallop into all the parts of this Kingdom, where you have vented your blasphemies the doctrine of devils; therefore ask you, so I believe, Sathan may be truly said to have his Throne there; where ye have crept into widows houses, and have bewitched or deceived silly women, men, and women servants, children; and since your entrance ye have, like Zezabel, painted your brazen-faced pretenses, and look out of those uppermost windows. No wonder then if Mr Edwards, like Jehu, drive on furiously for your throwing and destruction; putting behind him all your messengers of threats and flatteries) to peace with you; I dare be bold to affirm, (if ye persist) that if the dogs lick not up your blood yet the black Ravens of the valley shall pick out your eyes.
Page 2. line 14. God shall smite thee, thou whited wall, that that in the pride of thy heart flies in his face and strikes at the very apple of his eye.
Sirrah, call you zealous Mr. Edwards a whited wall? Sir, pray to observe the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship, judge yourselves: and then if your seared conscience and judgment blinded through too much New-Light, Iies inform them and tell truth: Your painted Sepulchres, naught but ignominy and hollow-hearted rottenness within; a noisome cage of unclean birds, I should say beasts. Sir, call not your party (that brood of crocodiles) the very apple of God's eye, for very shame, to them that know you to be the devil's spectacles; but because he's old and crazed, your New-Lights (alias old Heresies and Blasphemies long since adjudged and condemned by all former Councils and Synods) makes him behold you the clearer; you, Sir, are Arians, Antinomians, Libertines, Soul-sleepers, Anti baptists, Socinians, Pelagians, Self-seekers.
Are these, dare ye say, the very apple of God's eye? No, Iie tell you of what kind of apples ye are, much like those goodly apples of Sodom that are of a fair aspect, but touch them they fall to ashes or of that fruit or kernels of those tempting apples of Paradise; that were pleasant to the eye and seemed good for food, yet had a most deadly rotten core; and therefore the fittest for the devils use to deceive our silly mother Eve, whose practice is yours; because ye know they are the weaker vessels, or rather vassals to you: you act the devils part of a strong man and take possession.
Page 2. line 26. Lay aside the squirt-eyed biasing respects of this adulterous generation, and let conscience speak.
Sir, first I most credulously believe what Mr. Edwards doth do to inform of your vicious ways, is for conscience's sake that you reform them, and not for any sinister or bypassing respect. Sir, your calling this an adulterous generation, I believe it more than others heretofore and increases with your New Light because it is adulterate, your name shows your nature; Sir, I could give you twenty more of those very apples you put into Gods eyes to put out ours, with all their several workings, Antiscripturians, Antisabatarians, Adamites, Millenaries, Apostolics: all of the brothers holding, yet the sisters are and hold but one, are loving familists, hold divorce, however, they differ in other your fundamentals, in this they are absolute.
The Independent Crew, throughout this Nation,
With an eagerness to pursue a Toleration
For all Religions; break their Covenant
They once did make with God, true Protestant
Religion to maintain; Sects Heresy,
To 'bandon and extirpate Popery,
Blasphemy, Avarice, by which I gather
You THEN, Delinquents were, NOW, perjured rather.
Page first, line last, Sir in the so desperate Career, give us leave sadly to ask you whence and whither so fast? Sir, I shall gladly resolve you, this post-haste is to overtake you that so madly gallop into all the parts of this Kingdom, where you have vented your blasphemies the doctrine of devils; therefore ask you, so I believe, Sathan may be truly said to have his Throne there; where ye have crept into widows houses, and have bewitched or deceived silly women, men, and women servants, children; and since your entrance ye have, like Zezabel, painted your brazen-faced pretenses, and look out of those uppermost windows. No wonder then if Mr Edwards, like Jehu, drive on furiously for your throwing and destruction; putting behind him all your messengers of threats and flatteries) to peace with you; I dare be bold to affirm, (if ye persist) that if the dogs lick not up your blood yet the black Ravens of the valley shall pick out your eyes.
Page 2. line 14. God shall smite thee, thou whited wall, that that in the pride of thy heart flies in his face and strikes at the very apple of his eye.
Sirrah, call you zealous Mr. Edwards a whited wall? Sir, pray to observe the Apostle's doctrine and fellowship, judge yourselves: and then if your seared conscience and judgment blinded through too much New-Light, Iies inform them and tell truth: Your painted Sepulchres, naught but ignominy and hollow-hearted rottenness within; a noisome cage of unclean birds, I should say beasts. Sir, call not your party (that brood of crocodiles) the very apple of God's eye, for very shame, to them that know you to be the devil's spectacles; but because he's old and crazed, your New-Lights (alias old Heresies and Blasphemies long since adjudged and condemned by all former Councils and Synods) makes him behold you the clearer; you, Sir, are Arians, Antinomians, Libertines, Soul-sleepers, Anti baptists, Socinians, Pelagians, Self-seekers.
Are these, dare ye say, the very apple of God's eye? No, Iie tell you of what kind of apples ye are, much like those goodly apples of Sodom that are of a fair aspect, but touch them they fall to ashes or of that fruit or kernels of those tempting apples of Paradise; that were pleasant to the eye and seemed good for food, yet had a most deadly rotten core; and therefore the fittest for the devils use to deceive our silly mother Eve, whose practice is yours; because ye know they are the weaker vessels, or rather vassals to you: you act the devils part of a strong man and take possession.
Page 2. line 26. Lay aside the squirt-eyed biasing respects of this adulterous generation, and let conscience speak.
Sir, first I most credulously believe what Mr. Edwards doth do to inform of your vicious ways, is for conscience's sake that you reform them, and not for any sinister or bypassing respect. Sir, your calling this an adulterous generation, I believe it more than others heretofore and increases with your New Light because it is adulterate, your name shows your nature; Sir, I could give you twenty more of those very apples you put into Gods eyes to put out ours, with all their several workings, Antiscripturians, Antisabatarians, Adamites, Millenaries, Apostolics: all of the brothers holding, yet the sisters are and hold but one, are loving familists, hold divorce, however, they differ in other your fundamentals, in this they are absolute.
We Saints more freedom have than other men,
To marry at midnight, or no matter when;
Whenever a sister promise, she' endeavor
To keep her word, or do the deed, however.
Page 2. line 27. Who (under God) have been the pillars and only supporters of a reeling and tottering State?
Hold, let's have no swearing: sure I am there's lying (if you intend your party of Independents ;) you the only Pillers and Supporters? do you not (in this) act the part of Alexander the Coppersmith, to Brazen out your untruths and notable lies thus? Sir, I know the Ambition of the party that falsely assumes to themselves the Repairers of our breach, and restorers of our paths to dwell in. Sirrah, I did verily believe, ye had been so fully satisfied in this point by that Right-worthy Dr. John Bastwick; that he had stopped all the mouths of such Railing, Lying, Black-mouth communicating adversaries, that you had not had the Brazenface impudence once more to assert it, in his most industrious Book intituled, the utter Routing of all the Independents and Sectaries &c. Which Book is to be bought or borrowed at the Book-seller shop over against London Stone. Unto which Book I recommend the Reader, for this full satisfaction there shall he read a catalog of our worthy Pillars, Heroes, Patriots of this Reeling and tottering state; nor then were, or, now are Independents, those that injured she most trouble and danger in the heat of the day.
Page 3. line 14. We could tell the world and you, a tru∣er story of the late Pranks of Mr. &c. (whose name you know; but we wil spare) of his late supplanting the Merchant: and getting his espoused mistress with child: (which act with all its circumstances, we find not in all your gangreene Parralled) of Sir, I very well know where your shoe pinches you; the late Pranks of Mr. &c. or etcetera, Sir, I had thought &c. had been such a former vexation to you in the oath Exofficio; that ever after you would forbear to charge it upon another, Sure this is one like the rest: if any Presbyterian should so disorderly walk, you would not be so mealy-mouthed as to forbear to name him; But I rather believe (in this) you (Iack an-ape like) imitate the actions of Auicus the Oxford Scribler (Saving in this your Simplicities, you discover your self the contrary) that when he wanted novelties; could forge them; so you because Mr. Edwards in his Gangrena does justly, truly reprove you, you unjustly, and untruly intimate, you could say so or so; but I wil tell truth of one of a 100,000 thou∣sand (Mr. Edwards has not heard of) Mr. Armstrong that on the 10th of March 1647. The day the Parliament ordered, to be set apart for public humiliation: to beseech Almighty God to stop the growth or, increase of Heresies, Blasphemies &c. He being of a queasy stomach to this came into Foster-lane (he is well known at the dagger) before that Godly minister Mr. Norton and Mr. _____ had ended their afternoons Sermon, Armstrong said, have not these Fellows done cursing us it? Will they curse us all day? I think they will never have done cursing of us.
P, 4 l. 4. To carry on the design you dwell usher in a foreign force; the Netherlands have done you good service, Sir, your party hath done the devil more. Let any indifferent Reader judge between us, whose design? yours, or ours; (for now I am of the plural number too) your design is Rebellions Irish Hodg-Podg, a curdled mess of altogether: or, ours a united, concealed, Semented, Selected, govern∣ment whose design I say; is the most like to give way too or usher in a foreign force: further, whether the Netherlands has done us good service, is referred to Judgement; whether I, or no, I am sure like Factions to your own hath done Ger∣manie an evil service, yea, has been their utter ruin, and (almost) total desolation. He referred my Judicious Reader to the Historie of Anabaptists of High and Low Germanie; in which, to his grief of heart, he may justly fear the like sad events approaching upon this, by this reproachfully adulterate generation of Vipers.
Page 4. line 27. Sir, you with your Gangrene have been weighed, and are found too light, and verily your expected Kingdome is departing. Sir, do you put your Foole-point here? I think your semy (alias) silly Colon, is a stop too much: Sir, you with your six-leave'd scurrilous Pamphlet have been weighed in the Scale of Judgement, & you are found a worthless, witless Noddie; Sir, it proclaims you a mere Mechanic: my Genius prompts me, you are by Profession one of these two, a Weaver, or Cobler; a Weaver I guess, by that home-spun, course, gross-weaved Fustian in your Booke; a Cobler, by your Patching and Borching, nick-named Heresie, malignant-Prelacie, were-drawn-Covenant; yea, a Cobler I could wish you the rather, then should I hope in time you'd mend. Reader, I shall be careful to avoid prolixities, (a thing extremely affected by my Antagonist) therefore for brevity's sake I shall not trace him in his nonsensical reiterated lines, but in those of most concern, remembring the wise mans Mandamus, Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou be like him.
Page 5. line 19. Know you not who saith, the weapons of our warfare are not carnal: why then, as men distracted, cry you out so loud for Magisterial external force? Sir, we know the Apostle so said: in that instance of the Gospel-Doctrine of Jesus Christ, the whole world (almost) in opposition against them, they had nor, nor could have such Magisterial or outward force; yet God invested them with Miracles, mightily to compel or convince their (like yours) stiff-necked and uncircumcised of heart, which you more cunningly appropriate to tender conscience: but we have the Precept of Jesus Christ for our example, to inflict corporal, penal punishments upon such incorrigible blasphemers and offenders. Sir, with a three. string whip he jerked out of the Temple those abusers of it, Iohn 2. inferior to your selves. Sir, can you deny this Legall punishment to be a Gospel right? And now, if through our silence to God, the Magistrate, and Ministers, you should persist in your unholy unsanctified, unwarranted progress, the very stones in our streets (I verily believe) would cry out against us.
Page 5. line 36. You war indeed, but it is after the flesh; no wonder your conquest is no more, for the Spirit of the Lord we fear is departed from you. Pray you to speak softly, give your charity to their stretch upon the Tenters, or Ile give you rope enough to stretch necks. If you, the troublers of our Israel were all departed far enough, good enough, to your good new Ca∣naan, good riddance: because you separate from us, account yourselves all the Spirit of the Lord. There is more reason, and I rather believe it, ye are of your father the Devil, his work ye doe; then at least, ye are the Devil's Journeymen, and I fear he'll recompense you. Sir, we warre not after the flesh, but against it, we hold, fight the good fight of Faith, and our conquest over you is the overthrow of your Babel, so vast and unlimited, and all you that contribute your utmost assistance, carrying up your Dung and untempered Mortar to make up the Bulke: in this Fall, or Confusion, themselves are lost in the Rubbish.
Page 6. line 22. Tell us not, Sir, of a specious Ordination, any farther then you can attest its Divinitie by the concomitance of the Spirit, we shall else look upon it as a means to delude the simple; tell us not (as your predecessors did) of order and decency in the Church. Sir, this specious Ordination, which your Faction doth refractorily oppose we can (and have done with all circumstances) prove its Divinitie by the un-erring Spirit of Truth, by the example of Christ, that at one time ordained 70 Disciples, and then sent them forth, the practice of his blessed Apostles, and since in the Primitive Church, in all Ages successively; which I here omit (as I said) to avoid prolixity. But now Sir, I do demand of your Il dependant illiterate parties, man or woman, by what specious Ordination, or Call, ordinary or extraordinary, do you intrade yourselves into our Pulpits, to infect or touch our Congregations with your Leprous Doctrines? In this, ye imitate the Devil's practice. Iob 1. In the day the sonnes of God appeared before God, Satan likewise came in amongst them but for hurt and affliction of godly Iob: and therefore, this Ordination we use it not as a means to deceive the simple (were ye so wise as to believe it) but as an Ordinance of Christ.
Tell us not of order and decency in the Church. Shall I tell ye? if not, worthy M. Edwards shall tell the world of you: of your too many disorders, irreverent Antichristian behaviors in all Churches (where ye come) by your pragmatic schismatically preaching (alias) prattling Buffe-Coats, and others: Ile name but one of 10,0000, where they pissed in a Font, and brought a bald horse in the Church to the Font, and baptized him by the name of Ball-Esau, because said they he was Harry. Gangrena 3. And although you will not be told of order and decency in the Church, I tell ye these disorders and undecent distractions and confusions, the God of order and peace is not the Author of, but the Devil, 1 Cor. 14. 33.
Page 7. line 18. Sir, were you a messenger of Christ, your work would be to go and preach and hold forth the everlasting Gospel, which alone is the arme of God to salvation, you would more cry up the sword of God than of Gideon, you would see more cogent convincing authority to subdue the heart by one Evangelical scriptum est, then a thousand political fiat Justitia's, or all the arbitrary boundless Canonical Ipse Dixit's in the world. Sir, this I profess your Masterpiece. Sir, to doubt M. Edwards to be a messenger of Christ, I account it impertinent, not worth resolving: His servants (or messengers) ye are, to whom ye obey. That he obeys & follows Christ's precepts, or example, I prove thus: Christ his great and principal work was, to redeem the world and save it; but his first work, as most necessary, was to confute or convince the world of sin, and this he began at 12 years age: He had a greater work to do; yet this (though inferior) was first, as most requisite, to confound & put to silence such Rab∣bies and Ring-leaders (as your selves, that opposed his King∣dome & Doctrine, when he disputed with those Doctors that were astonied at his Wisdom & Doctrine. This was St. Pauls's practice (a chosen Vessell of Christs by a Call extraordinaire) who fought the good fight of Faith with Beasts of Ephesus (as M. Edwards doth in England) after the manner of men: he wrought with his hands, not that every dispenser of the Gospel should do so (as ye doe) but because he would not bring reproach on the Gospel of Christ (as ye doe.) Sir, tell me now, is there nothing to be done by a Minister, or messenger of Christ but only to preach? you (as we) well know, where God hath his Church, the Devil hath his Chappell; and though his messengers give all diligence, yet the Devils Agents will make Books sow their Tares: therefore, there is something more to be done, then only to preach the everlasting Gospel. Surely, M. Edwards (in these sad times) holds forth this contention between the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent, to be Evangelical, and approved of by the everlasting Gospel, and as the right and strong Arme of God to salvation.
You would more cry up the sword of God than of Gideon. Sir, why must we have this distinction, as if the sword of Gi∣dion was not the Lords? The Israelites (as we do) cry up, the sword of the Lord and of Gideon, or Magistrate: This we well know is your way of babbling. Sir, this way of M. Ed∣wards, reprehending you and reproving you sharply (as the Apostle commands) is of a great convincing Authoritie to subject the heart, and rip off that fore-skin, were not your Adamite hearts harder then the Adamant; yea, it would be to you an Evangeicall Scriptum est.
Page 8. line 8. The way to Heaven ye tell men, is by the gate of Hell; and more than half-damned they must be, ere they must think of being saved: and who but ye (in the despair of poor creatures) ordained to speak peace? Sir, indeed this Doctrine, so much of it as we maintain, is far different or separate from your pleasing one: yet this we know, the way to Heaven is not strewed with rushes, and that those which will live godly in Christ Jesus, must suffer Persecution, Tribulation, Anguish, the grief of heart and mind, &c. This is not (as yours) to nihilate the Doctrine of Repentance, but to bring them to humility to whom God giveth grace; when he resisteth such proud, Pharisaical, high-minded, Soul-murderers, Braggadochio's, as your selves. Is this by the gate of Hell? I am sure it is the way to know themselves; a thing ye are most ignorant of.
And who but yee ordained to speak peace. Why Sir who but they? who are ye? Are any of you the Prophets, or the sons of the Prophets? Sir, remember that Uzziah was struck (by God) with a Leprosie, for intruding presumptuously upon the Priests Office: I hold you (if Prophets) to be the sonnes of that old lying Prophet, which countermanded that Prophet sent on Gods message, who believing his lyes, was destroyed by a Lion in the way. If we should believe your peace, when you squeal out pax, pax, (as I could instance in many your blasphemous doctrines) we should wholly neglect our eternal and everlasting peace.
Pag. 8. l. 35. But Sir, in good earnest let's have more sense, and fewer volumes, fower tales and more truths, smaller books and bigger Arguments (these bum bast Editions tire all, but satisfied none) Reasons are sold by weight, and not by tale. Yea, Sir, in sober sadness, yee shall have more sense when your illiterate numbers learn to read, then they'll love to write and speak sense when they cry up Humane earning, and other external properties, as these unlearned Rabbies account them; till when these volumes of necessity must increase with your Numbers; you shall have fewer tales and more truths when you forget your lying Mother-tongue, as well as your Latin one; for take this for truth, so long as vee pray, preach, dispute nonsense, lyes, and those knaveries are ashamed to own; in your own dialect they shall be repeated, and thrown as dung in your face; and then shall you have more weigh∣tier Reasons of the Sunne, when such Moon-calves shall be brought to the Knowledge and Love of God and of his Wis∣dome and Truth, and to love and Charity to their brethren.
Now he comes to a rude draught of a simple Inventory of Mr. Edwards Books; this hairy roughness shows them to be of the hated brood of Esau, whose hoary-hairy scapes God doth and shall smite with a frenzies lunacies, which they call illumination of the spirit. Imprimis, given to the Honourable House of Commons, out of hopes to find favor there, so many Books. Sir, what you call hopes. I can affirm is, he hath assurance to find favor with the Honourable House of Commons, the King, and House or Lords too, yea with the Assembly of Divines, and all the knowing Orthodox men in Christendom: Sir seed not your fancies with vain hopes of the late brags you made of the strength of your Party in the Parliament-Houses, Armies, and Kingdome; these are but meer scar-crow•s which your unlicensed Printing press hath divulged, of which Overton in Newgate can give testimony, as well as Lilburne in the Tower. Item, given to your reverend self for your reverend Copy so many 40. s. in dry money (too much by 39. in so dry a bargain) See Reverend Mr. Ed∣wards (if you were not of the viperous Generation) is Right Worthy by you to be reverenced as your best and most reve∣rend Master or Tutor, and therefore take warning that if you persist to bristle up your prick-ears at him, with your wild∣lookt meager countenance, that hee, or some in his behalf shall pick your guber teeth with such a bed staff as Dr. Bastwick did. Item, given to a Schoole-boy, to correct your false Latin, and other amendments, 40. s. in dry money, (too much by 39. in so dry a bargain.) Sir, he that can write true Latin, can as truly correct it as Mr. Edwards doth himself. But Sir if you have not broke Priscian head more than once, Ile give you leave to break mine: But Ile takes the pains as I would give you correction, to correct your Page last, line first, Ambobus manibus iterum iterumque approbatar, which I thus correct, Ambabus manibus iterumque iterumque approbatur. Sir, the rest of the Inventory, is so full of nonsensical simplicities not worth repeating, or answering; yet for the Readers satisfaction let him judge. Item, given to the Grecian, for helping you to the Originals, and filling up the Hebrew blanks 59. shillings and 3. groats: I fear you want one groat worth of wit. Item, so many sold for little or nothing, to the Exchange, to Grocers, Cookes, &c. Item so many sequestered for my own proper use, in my study behind the door (alias the house of Office) and for my servants so many; and many more such like Items: But Sir, take this one item from me, that if these thin-leaved empty volumes of a sheet and a half, and your saucy lies in them shall still be vented against the Parliament, Assembly, Church of England, Mr. Edwards, Dr. Bastwicke, Mr. Pryn, &c. Ile publish to the world your illi∣cerate, mechanic, nonsensical cobbled-fustian-Tubbers, men and women, the names and qualities of some of them for this time Ile but nominate,
viz.wit a Cobler,
Robin a Sadler,
Lamb a Sopeboiler,
Bignall a Porter.
Kiffin a Glover,
Tue a Girdler,
Major Tulidagh a Scot.
Patience a Taylor.
Parvis a Goldsmith.
Barebones a Leatherseller.
Henshaw a Confectioner, (alias Infector.)
Bulcher a Chicken-man (alias, dead and alive.)
These and 40. more for the men preachers; and for your women-Tubbers, alias Dubbers, my Muse shall only sing of one.
The Church of Thyatira threatened sore,
For suffering Jezebel, that Scarlet Whore,
Thus to seduce God's people, and to teach
Their disobedience, yee (poore soules) bewitch
Them her to follow; Like her, such another,
Sold Bone-lace in Cheapside, that had a Brother
Did Walk disorderly, him to befriend
For his Conversion, at a Tables end
Did take a Text, and boldly did descant,
The lawfulness to Preach of a she-saint,
Informed her Auditory, that there was
More need she edify 'em, then sell Lace;
And that her zeal, piety, and knowledge,
Surpast the gravest Student in the Colledge,
Who strived thus Humane Learning to advance,
She with her Bible and a Concordance,
Could Preach nine times a week, morning and night,
Such revelations had she from a new light.
The tedious, godless, non-sense sermon ended,
Her sainted Convert, whom she thus befriended,
Desir'd a private Application,
Unto the point of Agitation.
The Feast when ended, and the Saints all gone,
Who left behind a large Collection.
"Deare Brother, said she if you would be wise,
"Ile teach you how your gifts to exercise;
"One Concordance will serve us both to note;
"Such Scriptures as well easily get by roat:
He with her wind of Doctrine led away,
Forsooke his wife, with her went over Sea,
So she her husband, where they both express
Each other's gifts, I blush to preach the rest.
Sir, that this estimate is more infallible than yours, to which ye: subscribed R. S. I have likewise annexed G. L. for the honest Reader to judge. Reader this R. S. or Ralph Smith is the Book-seller that prints and publisheth Mr. Edwards Gangrena's; Sir, if he should make such a lame account as you bring, he would shew little wisdom to re-print such volumes: But sirrah, this is like one of your falsities you said of Dr. Bastwicks, viz. That his Bookes had made more Independents than they had dissuaded from it. And Sir, for that whibling scandalous Pamphlet, called A sudden Answer to Dr. Bastwicks utter routing of all the Independents and sectaries, of one sheet of paper, in which you undertake to answer his 100 sheets; But because it is not worth his while to reply too; I shall (God willing) give any indifferent Reader a full and good account to answer in your own Dialect excepting your railing and lying, &c. Sir, let me (for your own sake) desire you as a Christian Brother, to recall these passions, and reclaim them, to set Christ before you as the truest pattern to learn of him to be meek, humble, lowly in your own eyes, this will raise you to a high pitch of piety and acceptance with Almighty God.
Sir, let me exhort ye as a Christian Brother, to set Christ blessed Apostle S. Peter as a true pattern before you to imitate him (in your unerring Church) although S. Paul repro∣ved S. Peter, Gal. 2. 11. But when Peter came to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed; yet Pe∣ter of that godly knowledge doth acknowledge and approve of all S. Pauls Epistles, 2 Pet. 3. 15. 16. And accounts that the long-suffering of our Lord is salvation, even as our beloved brother Paul also, according to the wisdom given unto him, hath written unto you. As also in all his Epistles speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable, wrest as they do also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction.
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