x Welsh Tract Publications: Robot ‘Church Fathers’ Might Curate New Canons | Christianity Today




Friday, July 28, 2023

Robot ‘Church Fathers’ Might Curate New Canons | Christianity Today

We read the following in Christianity Today:

The pace of adoption for artificial intelligence is unprecedented. By the end of January, ChatGPT—an AI chatbot that generates brand original content when prompted—had logged 100 million visitors to its site. Before that, it reached 1 million users in the first five days after its release in late November. By comparison, Instagram took 2.5 months to reach 1 million users, and Facebook 10 months. Generative AI systems like ChatGPT, which can produce humanlike responses to users’ prompts, will undoubtedly shape how we, as the Book of Common Prayer puts it, “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” the Scriptures. Indeed, there are already multiple tailor-made AI-driven chatbot systems being used for Bible engagement—which I’ve dubbed “BibleGPTs” including IlluminateBible.com, SiliconScripture.org, Bible.ai, and OpenBible.info’s AI-assisted Bible Study.

The illuminated Bible looks like this:

Silicon Scripture looks like this:


Bible AI obviously shows the views of their makers:

AI-Assisted Bible Study shows more promise and seems to contain many helpful things for Bible Study:

Click to Enlarge

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We think some of these sites may be helpful, especially the last one.  But like Bereans, we must search the scriptures to see if the things stated are true.  This is no different than we would do with any other man-produced materials.

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