x Welsh Tract Publications: THE TRANSACTION IN ACTS 15 CONSIDERED (TROTT) 1838 1/2




Friday, August 2, 2024


Brother Beebe: from the frequent reference had to the transaction above referred to, by brethren in support of constituted associations, I am induced to offer some remarks illustrative of the true design of that portion of the scripture record.

I would hear remark that I do not design, in this communication to investigate the subject of constituted associations, any further than this subject has been connected with the transaction to be considered, and to notice of few brother James West’s remarks in his letter, Signs, Vol. 6, No. 16, pg. 125.

The inquiry before us, is, whether the assemblage mentioned in Acts 15 was designed as a pattern for any similar assemblage in after ages, under the idea of councils, advisory councils, and associations.

By a pattern, I understand a perfect sampler of all the essential parts of that which is to be made or done. Thus God says to Moses, “According to all that I show you, after the pattern of the Tabernacle and the pattern of all the instruments thereof, Even so shall you make it.” Exodus 25.9. And we find in the connection, God describing every part of the Tabernacle and all the vessels thereof. Again he commanded him, verse 40, to look to the pattern. We also find David giving Solomon a particular description, of the porch of the house, of all the instruments even to the weight of gold or of silver to each vessel and he said unto him, “All this the Lord made me to understand, in writing by his hand upon me; Even all the work of this pattern.” First Chronicles 28.11-19. And can our spiritual David have been any less particular in reference to his spiritual temple? And does not the apostles' reference to the command of God to Moses, (Hebrews 8.5) imply that the heavenly or gospel things should be conformed to the pattern shown, equally with the earthly things?

Brother Culp’s remark in his letter on this subject, (Signs, Vol. 6, No. 8, pg. 60) “with that only an outline of that council, (meaning the meeting at Jerusalem) was recorded, that those coming after, should have an example; it is pretty much the case would all scripture, just enough is written to establish their fact,” contains a sentiment that I cannot countenance for a moment. What profess to believe the scriptures are a perfect rule of faith and practice, and yet admit that they only contain an outline, to be filled up by us, to suit circumstances? Believe that they are given by inspiration of God that the man of God may be perfectly thoroughly furnished unto all good works, and yet believe that the spirit has barely given an outline of what we are to believe and do? 

I think Brother Culp must have written this Pedo Baptist new school sentiment thoughtlessly, and that on reflection, he will not admit what his expressions here imply.

I wish here, before proceeding to the inquiry before us, to notice the inconsistency of brethren in contending for the assemblage described, acts 15 being a pattern for associations, and yet contending for associations to be constituted bodies. I am certain that there is not a brother who can read for himself, that can, with an honest mind, assert that there is anything in this record to warrant the idea, that the churches at Jerusalem and Antioch, previously, or at this meeting, united together in an associational constitution, binding themselves to hold such stated meetings together as an Advisory Council, and to send messengers, from time to time to attend it; Or anything of the kind. It is not evident from the whole connection that these churches in this whole transaction acted freely, without any written, humanly devised formulas to bind and govern them, in this procedure? Brethren if you would be consistent and pretend to pattern after this meeting, away with your written constitutions and rules of decorum. In pursuing the inquiry whether the meeting mentioned, Acts 15 was designed as a pattern for similar assemblages to be held in after ages as counsels, associations, or the like, I shall at once take the negative, and endeavor to show that it was not thus designed.

1. From the impossibility of similar meetings, composed of such persons, alike capable of giving correct counsel, being held.

Let us examine carefully who they were, and who were principally concerned in this transaction. By looking at verse 2, we find that the messengers were sent from the church at Antioch to the apostles and elders at Jerusalem about this matter. From verse 6, we learn “that the apostles and elders came together to consider of this matter.” Again in consultation on the case certain of the apostles, alone, were speakers except that Barnabas and Paul declared what miracles and wonders God had wrought by their hands among the gentiles. The whole church also came together on the occasion and assented to the decision of the apostles, and of the Holy Spirit, as expressed by James. But that it was a case referred to the apostles and elders, and by them decided through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is evident not only from what has been quoted but also from chapter 16.4, where it is said of Paul and Silas that “as they went through the cities they delivered them the decrees for to keep, that were ordained of the apostles and elders that were at Jerusalem.” 

Brethren Culp, West, must be aware, that the 12 apostles possessed extraordinary gifts, not to be conferred on others after them; that they were especially inspired, and had peculiar authority given them to plant and regulate churches, and to establish gospel doctrine and order. Hence it was set up the 3,000, that they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine. We find the master saying unto them, after giving them directions concerning the discipline in cases of individual offenses, “whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven; And whatsoever you shall loose on earth, shall be loosed in heaven.” Again, “that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that shall ask, it will be done for them of my father which is in heaven.” Matthew 18.18-19. By comparing verse 18 with Matthew 16.19, where addressing himself more immediately to Peter, he says, “I will give unto you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven, and whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound in heaven;” it appears that this was addressed to him as well of the apostles, and therefore designed to include the others with him. 

The idea uniformly conveyed by the expression of giving the keys to anyone, as used, both in the scriptures and among men, is that of giving full authority to open and shut at pleasure. Thus of Eliakim It is said, (Isaiah 22.22) “and the keys of the House of David will I lay upon his shoulder, so he shall open and none shall shut, And he shall shut and none shall open.” Again revelation 3.7 “These things said he that is holy, he that is true, he has the keys of David, he that opens and no man shuts and shuts and no man opens.” So that the expression evidently conveys the idea of authority to open and shut at pleasure, or as the Holy Spirit directed, so far as the power imparted by the keys. But here the Lord again to the apostles, “As my father has sent me Even so send I you.” And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said, receive you the Holy Spirit, whosoever sins you remit, they are remitted unto them; And whosoever sins ye retain, but they are retained.” John 20.21-23. 

From this view of the peculiar power and authority given to the apostles, is it not evident that they were specially authorized by the Lord, to give decisions to ordained decrees to be kept by the churches, the loose the gentile churches from such Jewish ceremonies, as seemed to them good, and to bind upon them such things as they esteemed right? Yes, did they not in this case say without presumption, “it seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us, to lay upon you no greater burden” (verse 28) thus claiming without hesitancy, infallibility to their decision and decrees? Will brethren Culp, West, or others, presume to say that any set of men since the apostles' days have been authorized and qualified to ordain their decrees to be kept by the churches, and to decide alike infallibility in any cases of difficulty? If not, they must acknowledge that this Apostolic meeting could not have been designed for a pattern, for counsels, advisory councils, associations, and afterages; because it is evident there can be no true copy of this meeting.

2. A second reason I shall assign for taking a negative in this inquiry, is, the abuse, that in every age, has uniformly grown out of men's assuming a pattern after this Apostolic transaction.

I will commence with the early church. About the middle of the 2nd century, and not before, the churches among the Greeks, began to unite together to hold stated councils not associations, to enact rules of faith and practice. We are told that they at first appeared unassuming, but that they soon changed the whole face of the church, the bishops, or elders, at first met as the delegates of the church; but they soon turned their influence into dominion, and their councils into laws, and openly asserted at length that Christ had empowered them to prescribe to his people authoritative rules of faith and practice, Mosheim’s Ecclesiastical History, Cent. Ii, Part 2, Chapter ii. The above was but carrying out their pretensions of imitating the apostles and elders in the transaction recorded in Acts 15 and assuming their authority. And the Catholics upon the principle of patterning after the apostles in that transaction are certainly consistent in claiming infallibility for their general counsels. But look at the result of those smaller councils first, and after that of the general counsel; From the smaller we soon find sponsors, infant baptism, chrism, and a multitude of ceremonies introduced; From the general counsels, from the council of Nicea to the Council of Trent, nothing but corruption, imposition of edicts and creeds, contentions and persecutions have followed.

I might notice the different ecclesiastical establishments among the reformed churches, and show the authority they assume over their churches, as deriving their power from Acts 15, but I passed them by, to come to the Baptists. These also, must follow suit since the Reformation, with the dissenting churches in England, and have their associations, for which they soon claimed the title and dignity of being advisory councils, pleading Acts 15, as their pattern. But with all of this pretension, they could do but little towards exalting the preachers above the churches, excepting the getting up with their Bristol school in England, and the College in Rhode Island, until within the last 30 years. And why? Evidently, because the Lord would continue them as his visible church, and therefore kept them down by oppression, and persecutions, the preachers as well as the churches, were kept low. But when the time came for the image of the beast to arise out of the visible church, the materials and machinery were at hand for rearing it. Aspiring college bread ministry, and other formalists, had obtained an ascendancy in the denomination; And the associations generally claimed to be and were acknowledged as advisory councils to the churches; their resolutions therefore were not to be despised. Hence the first step was to get associations and pass resolutions, recommending certain plans to be adopted by the churches. Three out of four of the churches were not independency enough to resist these innovations coming as they were recommended by the associations. These plans that is true appeared less open and dangerous at first, until they began to assume a rapid growth. But in this way, it is, that the associations have been the hotbeds and nurseries of all the various religious societies, and schemes of the day, among the Baptists.

Luther Rice when he commenced his career, knew well the proper spring to touch, in order to get this machine in motion. Hence, he would ride night and day, and kill horse after horse, to get from one association to another, knowing that, as they were acknowledged as advisory councils, if he could induce them to come into his measures, they would be able to lead the churches along; and he succeeded but too well. Some associations stood firm against these things; And several churches revolted and would not obey their advisors.
Brother West they denominate this, burlesque; but it is not, my brother; It is simply a glance at facts, showing what has, in our day, grown out of associations assuming to be advisory councils, in imitation of Acts 15.
There has been another kind of councils prevalent among the Baptists, in some sections of our country. These were occasional counsels, sometimes appointed by an association, sometimes called by the churches; And in some instances, self-called, the object, to settle some difficulty which may have gotten into a church, or to try, or gained a preacher. These have assumed all the power and authority which the apostles and elders exercise in the case of the difficulty at Antioch, taking the whole affair into their hands, and requiring the church to submit to their decision. As specimens of the usurpations of these councils, I will give two instances from the Signs, the first recorded, 2nd, page 230-237, elder Salmon and the church at West Turin, New York. The other relates to the Canton church, New Jersey, and Elder Miller, Signs, V. 5th, page 131-132. These are enough to show what may grow out of such councils. Other instances of their assumed power are fresh in the memories of some.

But that I may not be understood as confounding these councils, with helps, I will remark that a church which is in difficulty, sending to sister churches to send them helps, is a different thing from these councils. For these helps, when they come, instead of taking the discipline out of the hands of the church and requiring beforehand both parties to promise submission to their decision as these councils have done, telling her the same things which the apostles had decided, as did the messengers from the church at Jerusalem to the church at Antioch, acts 15.27. If these should not succeed in being instrumental in uniting the church, and a split takes place, still there is this advantage of a tensor visit, they will report to their respective churches the state of the case, and thus these churches will be prepared to decide which division to acknowledge as the true church.

To return, the last and most unpleasant of the claims set up to the seat of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem, Which I shall notice, is that of certain of our old school Baptist brethren, principally, I believe in the south and southwest, in favor of their associations. My brethren, I truly fear for you, in making this assumption. Not that I am afraid, that generally you have, at this time, any intention or inclination to assume Apostolic authority over the churches; but you are men of like passions with others, and your associations will continue to be composed of such men. It has been said that all men have the principles of tyranny in their nature, And I partly believe it; So that, for myself, I feel afraid of exercising too much personal influence over churches, lest it extend to an assumption of authority, and I do not wish to see power put into the hands of my ministering brethren, or lodged in associations or other humanly constituted bodies, lest being persuaded in our minds that we have scriptural authority to exercise this power, and a lesson of temptation suiting, we might attempt to Lord it over God's heritage, if not to persecute. It is true, that God has kept his church and ministers from acting the wolf, by the Gracie has afforded them, and by keeping them humble under the rod, but if he should leave any of us, who now hope that we are called by him to the ministry, to persuade ourselves, or to be persuaded of the adversary that we personally, or the association to which we belong, have the right to exercise Apostolic authority in imitation of the transaction recorded acts 15, there is no knowing how far we may be left to extend the exercise of that authority.

My brethren, we cannot be too well guarded against anything like an assumption of power over the churches and their discipline. You may be already too well guarded in your own minds against this assumption of power over the churches, to be yourselves swayed by your own arguments in this case. But let those who come in, young, among you, with their early religious expansion of mind; Imbibe from your arguments, the idea that the associations set in the apostles' seats, and as they come to have influence in these associations, there is reason to fear that they will be urging those bodies, when occasion suits, up to the exercise of the authority belonging to those seats.

If we look into the history of the church in past ages, we see a teeming with the deleterious effects, of combinations of churches assuming, an imitation of the Apostolic transaction recorded in Acts 15, an authority over the faith and discipline of the churches. And we cannot at this day, open our eyes upon the state of the Baptist denomination around us, without the same pernicious effects, flowing from the same cause, staring us in the face, brought in, to be sure, in a more insidious way. And will you, my brethren, persist in following up the same track, and claiming for your associations, the authority of advisory councils? Much more is on my mind to say by way of persuading you to beware of treading upon this dangerous ground. But I forbear. 

Yours in the afflictions of the gospel, 
S. Trott Fairfax CH Va. September 5, 1838


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This flashcard contains all of the known articles written by Elder Wilson Thompson from 1832 until he died in 1866. It also contains Simple Truths, His Autobiography in a PDF file, an audiobook, and his work Triumphs of Truth. Also, these works will be fully searchable and will fit on your smartphone. It will also be suitable for printing. The cost will be $60 for the flash drive containing all this information. We accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, or personal checks. For more information write to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.

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This Flash Drive contains just the bookmarks for all the Circular Letters in the Signs from 1833-1881 (when Beebe died).  The price is $60.  Contact information is the same for all our other products, as well as the same payment options.


This PDF file contains ALL the writings of John Foster Johnson MD and Old School Baptist Preacher.  If you have the book version of the compiled writings of JF Johnson, it is incomplete.  We have included all his writings in any Old School Baptist paper up until he died in 1881.  His published book contains all that he had published up to 1872, thus it is incomplete.  This is not images of a page, this has been completely retyped, being able to be copied, pasted, and searched completely, with a table of contents and bookmarks.  The price is $60.  We accept PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, and personal checks.  The contact email is gantamaria685@gmail.com.  The address to send a check to is:
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