


Friday, August 9, 2024


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[Another digitally published article by Elder Trott - ed]

Beloved brethren: when in the course of human events, and in the Providence of God, it became necessary for the honor of God, and in order to maintain the purity of the gospel, and to keep up the ordinances as they had been delivered to us, that we should separate from many of those bearing our own name, we were known by the distinctive appellation of “Old School Baptists,” Which name was given to us by our enemies, as perhaps the name Christian first was first given to the saints at Antioch, no doubt by way of reproach; but which we have been content to wear according to our understanding of its application to the school of Christ, and of our having been taught therein. But it is quite remarkable does the enemies of the cross of Christ soon claimed the name which they had given to the saints as a title of reproach embracing in it all the ignominy and scandal which they supposed the “crucify Christ” incurred, after whom they were called. So now the same party in principle, the same viperous breed, claim the name of old-school Baptists!


Having, however, separated from them, and so that our standing might not be doubtful, we considered it necessary to give a distinct expression of our views both of gospel doctrine and practice of our entire descent from opposition to all new schemes and devices which the new school party had introduced under the pretense of improvement, and also of our views in regard to Caesar and our connection with him. Through the medium of the press, an opportunity has been afforded us to defend our principles and expose the workings of Antichrist and also cultivate a larger and more extended acquaintance with the whole family of the faithful.


But as the separation is now pretty well over, and the respective parties have now obtained that distinct organization and standing from each other, it becomes us to look particularly to our own ways and affairs, as those who profess to be the children of the light and of the day; that we sleep not as others do, but that we watch and be sober. To this end, we propose, in this address, to adopt this scriptural admonition as our motto: “Let brotherly love continue.” Hebrews 13.1.


Although we have the positive testimony of God in his word and by his spirit, that the stand which we have taken is agreeable to his will, and also the negative evidence furnished us, in the same kind of opposition and objections made to us and our doctrine by the anti-Christian party, that they made to Christ and his apostles, yet we have to lament our shortcomings before God, that in many things we offend all. n comparing ourselves with the primitive saints, how great is the disparity! How far short do we follow that heavenly zeal, that entire devotion to the cause of God and truth, that unyielding attachment to everything embraced in the pattern shown in the holy mountain, that uncompromising hostility to every innovation attempted to be introduced into the Kingdom of Christ, and that love of the brethren that would lead us to lay down our lives for them, which characterized primitive churches and apostles of the lamb, whom we are exhorted to follow as they follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Is it not too true, brethren, with many of us, since the excitement occasion by our connection with and separation from Antichrist has measurably subsided, that we have degenerated into a lukewarmness incompatible with the distinguished stand which we occupy and the exalted profession which we have made? How many appear to be “neither cold nor hot!” And others looking back into sodom!


The business of the good soldier consists not only in charging upon the enemy, but in securing his situation after the battle is over, in looking well to the order and discipline of his own camp, and in adjusting and learning the proper use of his armor, both offensive and defensive. And to be successful in the charge, or in defense, it is all-important that the army should attend strictly to the orders of the commander, and that they should all be of one mind and determined to accomplish the same things. Nothing is more fatal to an army or ruinous to its success than mutiny. Let us then, as soldiers of the cross of Christ take heed to our ways in this matter. Let us not be guilty of the inconsistency of those who, professing to be the peculiar people of God, grossly offended and stop playing as precepts of his word in some points, and yet make war upon others for offenses in other points. Christ is not divided in his doctrine nor ordinances, and it is ours to observe all things whatsoever he has commanded us, without preferring one above another. But it is evident, brethren, that we live at a period in the history of the Church of Christ, in which perfect unanimity in everything has not been attained by the saints, and hence the occasion is furnished us to cultivate the spirit of brotherly love, to mark well between those points of difference which are vital and such as are mere matters of opinion and about which we may honestly differ without a breach of fellowship, remembering the exhortation which speaks to us as sons, “put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, long-suffering, forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man has a quarrel against any; Even as Christ forgave you so also do. And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.” Colossians 3.12-14. Again we are exhorted to walk “with all lowliness and meekness with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love,” Ephesians 4.2.


In the Lord's family, there are no kings, Lords, and Commons, but they are all one in Christ Jesus, members of his body of his flesh and of his bones. He is the elder brother of the family, and hence we are joint heirs with him to the heavenly inheritance. We are brethren because we are of the same family, have one Father, are interested in the same covenant blessings, are objects of the same eternal love, quickened and born again by the same eternal spirit, preserved and kept by the same almighty power and ultimately welcomed into the same Kingdom prepared for us from the foundation of the world.


In this interesting family, there are many members, and those of different ages and capacities; from babes to those who are of full age. To the latter belong strong meat, but the babes subsist upon milk. Now we are taught that those who are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please themselves. Those who are greatest in the Lord's house are not to be Lords over his heritage, but servants in the House of God; Even as Christ came not to be ministered to, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. We should be careful to distinguish between the weakness of babes and the enmity of the carnal heart; and while we should not give place to the latter no, not for a moment, we should remember that the great shepherd of Israel has said concerning the former, “feed my lambs,” and that the sincere milk of the word it's the food upon which they grow and thrive. Now the sum of what we have written is this: while the new school Baptists, together with all the different orders of the anti-Christian interest, may transgress the laws of Christ with impunity, may change his ordinances, add to his commands, take from any of the prophecies of his book, the old school baptist, from the profession which they have made, are not at liberty to separate that which god has joined together, nor to prefer any of his commandments one above another, but to observe all things whatsoever he has commanded.


Holding as we do, brethren, the faith once delivered to the saints; and standing aloof from all other denominations in the world, it certainly becomes us, above all others, to see that we love one another with a pure heart fervently, to manifest that we are taught of God to love one another; And to give evidence of this by works of faith and labours of love in doing good unto all men, but especially to those who are of the household of faith.


The letters from the churches which have been read in our meeting, bring us to the pleasing intelligence of the prevalence of peace and harmony among the brethren but complain of coldness and barrenness and divine things. We believe, however, that the Lord's set time to favor Zion cannot be hastened, and although we feel inclined to pray for a manifestation of his presence in the churches, in building up the waste places of his Zion; Yet we dare not resort to unscriptural and unauthorized measures to hasten this event. We would remember the experiment that our old mother Sarah made in days of old, to hasten the accomplishment of the Lord's promise, and from the effect thereof learn wisdom; no mechanical efforts of ours can revive the Lord's work.


We acknowledge the kind expressions of fellowship for us which we have received from several associations, by their minutes and messengers, as set forth in the accompanying minutes. Dear brethren, we ask a continuance of your friendly correspondence; We feel disposed to reciprocate the saying by letter and also by messengers, through as many of our brethren as may be permitted in Providence to meet with you. Our object is not disunion, but union founded upon truth is not to scatter the sheep but to feed them. To the Lord's chosen few we can say with one heart and voice, “Entreat me not to leave you, for your people shall be my people.” Come then, brethren in Christ, without respect to locality, come and see us.


Our next meeting will be held, God willing, by invitation of that church, with elk run, commencing on the Friday before the 2nd Lord's Day in August 1841, where we hope to meet with many of your messengers and to receive your epistles of love. We hail with thankfulness the information received through the signs, of old school churches’ uniting corresponding and annual meetings, and hope a correspondence may be open between our churches and such.


S. Trott

August 9, 1840


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Please send me an email at gsantamaria685@gmail.com. We will accept payment in Zelle, Cash App, Venmo personal check, or postal money order. Please make sure you give your mailing address. I will not post my Zelle, CashApp, or Venmo information until you write me due to privacy concerns. For those mailing a check or money order, you may mail me at:

Guillermo Santamaria
45 Westons Mill Road
East Brunswick, NJ 08816 USA
Email: gsantamaria685@gmail.com

Until Welsh Tract Publications is reorganized as an LLC, I will handle the financial transactions. Understand that Welsh Tract Church does NOT have any affiliation with Welsh Tract Publications. Like the website and the YouTube channel, these websites were created by the friends of Welsh Tract Church. We do not believe in any extra-church organizations or "ministries". Flash Drives are now available.

The Lord Bless you!


This flashcard contains all of the known articles written by Elder Wilson Thompson from 1832 until he died in 1866. It also contains Simple Truths, His Autobiography in a PDF file, an audiobook, and his work Triumphs of Truth. Also, these works will be fully searchable and will fit on your smartphone. It will also be suitable for printing. The cost will be $25 for the flash drive containing all this information. We accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, or personal checks. For more information write to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.

We are also announcing the shipment of the OSB Periodicals Flash Drive, containing all the Old School Baptist papers we can locate.  Watch the video to know more.

TO ORDER you can send $25 to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.  we accept Zelle, Cash App, personal check, or Venmo.  Contact me for further information.  the Lord Bless You!


This Flash Drive contains just the bookmarks for all the Circular Letters in the Signs from 1833-1881 (when Beebe died).  The price is $25.  Contact information is the same for all our other products, as well as the same payment options.


This PDF file contains ALL the writings of John Foster Johnson MD and Old School Baptist Preacher.  If you have the book version of the compiled writings of JF Johnson, it is incomplete.  We have included all his writings in any Old School Baptist paper up until he died in 1881.  His published book contains all that he had published up to 1872, thus it is incomplete.  This is not images of a page, this has been completely retyped, being able to be copied, pasted, and searched completely, with a table of contents and bookmarks.  The price is $25.  We accept PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, and personal checks.  The contact email is gantamaria685@gmail.com.  The address to send a check to is:
Guillermo Santamaria
45 Westons Mill Road
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
The Lord Bless You!

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