


Sunday, June 2, 2024


A few years ago, I heard Voddie Baucham, a prominent internet, and Sermon Audio “Sovereign Grace” preacher, commenting about the anniversary of his many years of ministry at the local church he pastors, make this statement: 

"The eternal destinies of many people have been radically changed while sitting in these pews..."

While I do not doubt his devotion and love for the people he pastors, nor would I presume whether he was a child of grace or not, however, I do believe he is incorrect in his statement. 

The eternal destinies of people do not hang in the balance! The mere phrase "eternal destiny" should give a clue that the destiny has been fixed FROM eternity. Oh, one might say, "Eternal destiny means life after death, from here on out" My friend, that is not eternal. Eternal goes as far back as it goes forward. 

Eternal destinies have been determined by God and are not, in any way, affected by the preacher or listener. Nor does God determine these things in time as we go along. His decree was set from of old, his purpose stands, and known unto him are all his works the end FROM the beginning. The names have either been written down or they have not. They have been loved with an EVERLASTING love or they have not. They are chosen by God or they are not. They are vessels of honor or vessels of dishonor. The determination was God's before the foundation of the world. The sovereign potter over his clay. 

May we not put ourselves, preacher or listener, in the place of God. Thinking by our efforts that men have been “snatched from the fire” or “turned from the broad way to the narrow” or that we “win souls” “got ‘em saved” or “led them to the Lord”

No brethren, if they have been saved, it was not from any efforts from our “evangelical” programs, efforts, persistence, or publishings, they were saved because God had chosen them for salvation, loved them with everlasting love, gave them to Christ, their mediator and substitute, and imputed His righteousness to their account based solely on the finished work of Christ’s obedience, death, and resurrection. 

May God be glorified in HIS choice as the omnipotent, omniscient, sovereign God that He is! 

Romans 9:11-14
(For the children being not yet born, neither having done ANY good or evil, THAT the purpose of God ACCORDING TO ELECTION might stand, not of works, but of HIM that calleth;) It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I LOVED, but Esau have I HATED. What shall we say then? Is there unrighteousness with God? God FORBID!!!
God's love is an everlasting love! It does not waiver and does not come and go. It has been fixed from all eternity. The choices and works of men do not change this, for our God changes not! He does not have hatred one day and loves the other. If you are loved by God....it is an eternal love, rooted in righteousness, justice, and eternal mercy! 

Your eternal destiny was not made in a pew, or an “old fashion altar” but was made according to the good pleasure of God’s will in the determinate counsel of God. It was bought with the price of Christ’s blood. It was delivered and made manifest to you by the Holy Spirit who testifies that we are His children. 

May the preachers of God be humbled and relieved of any notion that eternal destinies rest in their hands. And may God give them grace to faithfully and continually preach the gospel of free and sovereign grace, and give praise to the God of salvation! 

Mikal Smith


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