


Friday, June 14, 2024


We copy the following missionary effusion from the Cross and Journal. The article is by that paper credited to a periodical in Missouri, called the Mission Baptist.

“BROTHER KINCAID: – The Missouri Baptist inquires whether Brother Kincaid cannot make it consistent with the great object of his visit to his native land, to make a tour to the West. 

The simple narrative of his labors and sufferings in the cause of Christ would hasten the decease of Anti-Missions ten years at least, convert several Omission Baptists, and revive the spirit of the missionary brethren.” 

It is said of Saul, after he had finished his preparatory studies at the school of Gamaliel, that “He breathed out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord;” and in his zeal for their extermination he went to the board of directors, or rather, to the executive officer of that board, and desired credentials for a missionary excursion, with authority to apprehend any of the Old School Baptists, whether they were men or women, that he might bring them bound to Jerusalem. 

The Jewish Sanhedrin was at that time a regularly organized missionary board, and by their agents were compassing sea and land to make proselytes; and the high priest to whom Saul applied for a commission, was duly authorized to issue such documents to every devoted, pious, learned and indefatigable spirit, whose every breath exhaled slaughter and vengeance against those disciples of the Lord who protested against their modus operandi in the conversion of the world. 

Those primitive brethren and sisters, who by the persecution were driven from their homes at Jerusalem, were, some of them, enjoying a momentary respite in the vicinity of Damascus, greatly to the annoyance,  however, of the devout worshipers at the synagogue of that place. We have little doubt that the persecuting and infuriated Jews of Damascus, when they were advised of the contemplated mission of Saul to their city, entertained views and arid sentiments very similar to those entertained by the Missouri Baptist, and re-echoed by the genial tones of the Cross and Journal” of Ohio. They had a good reason to believe that a visit from Saul would hasten the extermination of the Anti-Mission Baptists from among them, as the missionists of our western states have that a visit from their redoubtable Kincaid will result in the massacre of the Old School Baptists of the Mississippi Valley. 

Nor were those blinded Jews more mistaken in their anticipations of a speedy overthrow of the Redeemer’s kingdom, than are these mad men in the valley, in supposing a son of Anak among them can hasten ten years the destruction of God’s chosen people against whom their wrath is kindled. Saul actually set out on his mission of murder, and it is highly probable Mr. Kincaid also may on his, to scatter fire-brands, arrows, and death among the children of God in Missouri; for our Lord has advised us that the time will come when whosoever killeth his people will think that he doeth God service. 

But God’s arm is not shortened that he cannot save, nor is his ear dull that he cannot hear the cry of his children; he is as able to humble, bring to the ground, and even regenerate Mr. Kincaid, and reveal his Son in him if it is his blessed pleasure, as he was to perform that wonderful work in Saul. To judge correctly whether Mr. Kincaid can make it consistent with the great object of his visit to his native land to make a tour to the West, and assist his brethren in the benevolent work of massacring the opposers of their craft, it will be necessary to know what was the great object of his return to America. 

So far as we can learn from the New School journals, Mr. K. was induced to leave the field of his missionary labors to pay his devotions at the shrine of the American Mammon, under whose instigation he was induced to undertake to convert the benighted heathen from their favorite system of idolatry to the more fashionable system of modern invention. The ostensible object of his return was to arouse a more efficient and active spirit of missionism in the United States, by relating frightful stories concerning the poor heathen, of the self-denial, indefatigable labor, dreadful sufferings, and indescribable patience of the poor missionaries, who are starving on milk and honey; and for the luxurious maintenance of whom a levy is made upon our citizens more than sufficient to support our federal government. 

To expand the missionary spirit in our country, it is deemed necessary that the whole length and breadth of our land should be occupied, and to obtain the full occupancy of the country, the plan which Jezebel suggested to Ahab concerning the possession of Naboth’s vineyard, (see Kings xxi. 5-24) is to be revived and acted upon. The New School seems to be convinced that while the Old School Baptists continue to dwell upon the face of the earth, they will be unto them as Elijah was unto Ahab, and hence they resolve on their decease. But how mistaken! Their heated furnaces cannot burn the people of God when the form of him whom the king of Babylon saw is with them. The lions will not devour whom Daniel’s God protects, and all the Kincaids they can buy up with their filthy lucre shall be no more to Israel than was Goliath to David. But if the western New School Baptists wish to try the experiment, they have only to offer to Mr. Kincaid the reward s of divination, similar to those offered to his prototype, Balaam, by that royal patron, the king of the Moabites, (Numbers xxii. 7) and there is very little doubt that Mr. K. will come with all his heart to curse Israel for the New School Baptists. 

Whether the spirit of modern missionism be less malignant than that which our Lord detected in those pious missionary Jews who be denounced as being of their father the devil, we shall leave our readers to judge. The evidence that the Jews were of Satan, was that the works of their father they would do, and he was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him, &c. If the same murderous spirit were not in these modern missionists, would they consult methods for the decrease or death of those few remaining Old Fashioned Baptists in the western valley, only because they are anti, or against those God-dishonoring institutions of men, on which the children of the wicked one depend so much for the conversion of the world to their craft? 

By Omission Baptists the writer undoubtedly means those who do not expose, and possibly, may not be aware of the abomination of their schemes, and whose fault is that they do not put into their mouths or omit to honor and enrich the missionists by a surrender of their wealth, independence and rights. We leave such to make their own defense, as only the opposers of their craft are proscribed and condemned to die, and are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 

New Vernon, N.Y., October 1, 1843 
Elder Gilbert Beebe Editorials Volume 2 Pages 344 – 347


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The Lord Bless you!


This flashcard contains all of the known articles written by Elder Wilson Thompson from 1832 until he died in 1866. It also contains Simple Truths, His Autobiography in a PDF file as well as an audiobook as well as his work Triumphs of Truth. Also, these works will be fully searchable and will fit on your smartphone. It will also be suitable for printing. The cost will be $50 for the flash drive containing all this information. We accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, or personal checks. For more information write to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.

We are announcing also the shipment of the OSB Periodicals Flash Drive, containing all the Old School Baptist papers we can locate.  Watch the video to know more.

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