Dear Brother Respess: —
Death has again entered our family circle. In less than five months since my companion was taken from me, we have been called upon to mourn another bereavement.
Mrs. Lottie A. Rittenhouse, wife of John R. Rittenhouse, died at the family residence, State Road, Del., March 9th, 1886; in the twenty-third year of her age. Sister Lottie my daughter-in-law, was also a worthy and much loved member of the church. She was baptized on September 19th, 1881, before she was eighteen years old. And since then, until she was called away, her course has been consistent and steadfast; and she has enjoyed in full measure the Christian love and fellowship of the Lord's people.
A sketch of her rather remarkable experience was published in the Messenger for September 1883, though without her name being given. The account of her experience of a work of grace, and the way she was led through difficulties and distances to finally offer to a church, where she had never before been, and the members of which she had never before seen, was given you to publish, as displaying in a remarkable degree the bringing of Zion's sons from far, and her daughters from the ends of the earth.
There were no Baptists in the family, nor in the neighborhood. The family name is Beathard, and the residence is one hundred miles from here. She and my son were married about seventeen months ago, since which time she has been an inmate of the house. She was always amiable and affectionate and appeared to walk much of the time in the light.
It is a sad bereavement to the family, to the neighborhood, and to the churches, that enjoyed her presence and fellowship. We had anticipated a life of abundant usefulness, but she has been suddenly called home, and we are left to mourn. This second stroke, after so brief a period, falls heavily upon me. The shock was in some respects more sudden and more terrible than the other.
If death is the last enemy to be destroyed, when may we hope that the triumph will come?
State Road, Del.
Posted The Gospel Messenger Volume 2.11 May 1886
I have a blessed hope by Christ"s faith given to me by grace, that I will be raised one day to be with Him and like Him because He said I'll see Him as He is.No more fearing death. I don't like to think on my death, but as the seed must rest in the ground, it'll burst forth bearing much fruit.