A collection of letters between myself and a Sovereign Grace Baptist Pastor beginning 4.02.2024 and ending 4.26.2024.
By Dan O’Dell
FIRST LETTER FROM PASTOR G. (redacted for publication)
Dear Dan O’Dell.
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray you and your family are doing well. I am writing concerning some information that has come to my attention that I believe must be denied or confirmed as it will have a direct bearing on our fellowship. The information I have received is that you do not believe or teach the doctrine of the Trinity as commonly held by our Baptist forefathers and that you hold to “Modalism.”
A simple definition of “Modalism” being “the theological doctrine that the members of the Trinity are not three distinct persons but rather three modes or forms of activity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) under which God manifests himself.” Do you believe in and teach Modalism?
I would also like to inquire if “Modalism” is the doctrine you have taught the brethren in ________. I do recall in our early conversations that there were brethren in_______ that were against your work for doctrinal reasons. Is your position of Modalism the doctrinal difference?
I regret having to inquire concerning this matter and it would grieve me to have to withdraw fellowship from you and the brethren in _________. The Lord directs His followers that we must worship in spirit and in truth which is the standard by which we enjoy fellowship not only with the Lord but with one another. I look forward to your response and pray it will be favorable.
FIRST LETTER TO PASTOR G. (redacted for publication) Date: 4.03.2024
Re: A response to your Facebook message 4.02.2024 at 7:23pm.
Brother G.,
I am happy to provide a brief response to your series of questions messaged to me regarding my views of the Divine Essence as compared to the “Doctrine (of the Trinity) “commonly held by our Baptist Forefathers”; the response to which will “have a direct bearing on our fellowship,” as you have made clear.
I will speak first of the matter of fellowship. It would be a grievous thing to me for you to withdraw fellowship from me and by extension the saints in ________ as well over what should be (in my opinion) an open ongoing article of discussion between honest well intended Brothers in Christ. Alas, I have been blessed to stand alone for most of my Christian experience. I am comfortable to be shut up to Christ if again called upon. No doubt it will end as you are threatening already, I will proceed in order of appearance in your message.
First: It is a sad fact that the Doctrine (of the Trinity) “commonly held” by most Baptists is no more than the Roman Catholic teachings as set forth by the Athanasian and Nicene Creeds designed to support a particular system of Soteriology usually identified as “Reformed Covenant Theology” which requires a parted out Godhead to make the deal between two separate and distinct “Divine Persons” while the third “person” observes and waits to react.
I submit, though the Reformed Baptists have been around for a long time, the old Welsh Baptists who would joyfully die denying anything Rome stood for regarding the Divine Essence, did not so hold to the Romish Nicene views; Rather distinctly different.
The first two Articles in the 1644 and 1646 FIRST LONDON BAPTIST CONFESSIONS OF FAITH do not set forth such views as a Tri-personal Godhead. For one to get there, it would require bringing into the reading their personal presuppositions by way of inference and implication.
I know this as a matter of personal experience. I am guilty of the same pride-filled error. As time moved on over many years and studying the books written by the signers, it became clear that they held an entirely different view than what the Calvinistic Puritan and Reformed men set forth. You cannot find a Tri-Personal Godhead in any of Paul Hobson’s, Hanserd Knowllys’, or Samuel Richardson’s works written during the same time frame.
Elder Edward Drapes wrote GOSPEL GLORY IN THE VISIBLE AND INVISIBLE WORSHIP OF GOD (in the Gospel Church) in 1649. He and those he fellowshipped with, were diametrically opposed to “commonly accepted” Reformed Theology. He was a member in good standing of John Spillsbury’s Church and had been in good fellowship with all those Churches in Association with the Strict and Particular Baptists of their day. This is a book I highly suggest you acquire and attempt to disprove as I once did. That which was common to them would surely be uncommon and unorthodox to all others of Romish persuasion both then and now some 380 years later.
From the vantage point of what was “commonly” understood as the Doctrine of the Trinity as set forth by the Romish Creeds including the WESTMINSTER CONFESSION OF FAITH, 1643; my views would be just the same as my Old Regular Strict and Particular Baptist Forefathers.
Fast forwarding some 188 years, the direct descendants following the succession of the truth by the Holy Spirit, set forth their continued confessions regarding the Nature and Revelation of the Divine Essence. I will cite two of these for you.
1st: From the SIGNS OF THE TIMES by an Association of Brethren, Nov. 28th, 1832, Vol. 1, No. 1. “Devoted exclusively to the Baptist cause maintaining inviolably the following scriptural sentiments:” This includes the BLACK ROCK ADDRESS. The 1st article reads: “The extensive Sovereignty, immutability, omnipotence, and eternal perfection of the Great Jehovah---the revelation which God has given of Himself as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” “These three are one.” 1st John 5:7.
Note: This Association of Brethren were Messengers of Old School Baptist Churches from Maine to Florida on the East Coast and westward through Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, and Kansas. Further many of these Messengers were agents for the Signs as well. The point of which should be obvious. This is not a “New School” conviction among Old School Baptists in 1832.
2nd: From THE GOLDEN AGE OF BAPTISTS IN AMERICA, 1791-1890 published by Stanley C. Phillips, Vol. II page 3; This was a CIRCULAR LETTER from the CONTENTNEA BAPTIST ASSOCIATION held Oct. 27th-29th, 1832, It was titled “Exhortation to Righteous Conduct” and endorsed by Thomas Dupree, Moderator, and Mark Bennett, Clerk. The 1st Article reads as follows: “We believe in the Being of God as Almighty, eternal, unchangeable, of infinite power, wisdom, justice, holiness, goodness, mercy, and Truth and that this God has revealed Himself in His word under the character of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.”
Note: This association of Baptist Churches would have been a part of the greater Association of Associations that made up the “Association of Brethren” referred to above in the SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
Second: I will now move on to your specific question, i.e., “Do you believe and teach modalism?”
This would be a resounding, NO! Rather, I believe it is high hypocrisy for a minister to expound upon the Majesty of our INCOMPREHENSIBLE CREATOR GOD in one breath and then proceed to expound on how this same incomprehensible God EXISTS INSIDE THE DIVINE NATURE! In contrast with this, I am convinced all that we will ever know about the Divine Essence is bound up in the Man-Christ Mediator Himself with respect to creation, redemption, and illumination (all of which are operational revelations of God in Christ); So much so, he that is blessed to see Christ as He is in His OWN Truth has “seen the Father,” John 14:9. Which is why Jesus taught, “I and my Father are ONE,” John 10:30.
NO, I do not teach Modalism, either as defined by yourself or others. It is my desire to teach only that which is revealed in our Bibles without inference or implications of any kind. This is why you have never heard me speak of modes of existence in the Divine Essence.
Third: “Is modalism the doctrine taught the brethren in __________?” Please see the Second point above.
Rather, it is my conviction to go no further than Christ does on any point of Doctrine and Practice. This I hold and teach.
Fourth: With respect to the “brethren in ________” who were “against your (my) work…. Is your position on Modalism the doctrinal difference?”
Answer: These so-called “brethren” were unbaptized, unchurched, followers of the same type of ministers in America who deny the Gospel Church State as set forth in the New Testament by Christ and the Apostles. They would make good Presbyterians, no doubt. These men hated my presence because they understood the constitution of a Gospel Church of Jesus Christ on their ground would in essence UNCHURCH THEM both in name and truth.
Reformers have hated Baptists for centuries for the same reason. Worse yet their financial backers in America felt the same way towards me and marked me accordingly for obeying Christ and following the commission of a true Church of Jesus Christ to do exactly that.
I will now provide you with my personal Confession of Faith respecting the Divine Essence and the OPERATIONAL REVELATION of God in Christ. I hold the BEING of God as Almighty, Eternal, Unchangeable, of Infinite Power, Wisdom, Justice, Holiness, Goodness, Mercy, and Truth. I hold this One only living and true God has REVEALED HIMSELF under the character of Father, Word (or Son), and the Holy Ghost. I John 5:7.
The sum of which I will briefly enlarge upon. The “three that bear record in heaven” are all in Jesus Christ, who established His kingdom on earth, and delivered this “record” to it in His Holy Bible. He was the “everlasting Father” according to Isa. 9:6. He was a “quickening spirit.” I Cor. 15:45, “The last Adam was made a quickening spirit.” He was the “WORD.” John 1:14, “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” Now, “these three are ONE.” That is, God the Father, or the first Cause of all things is a Holy Spirit in the purest sense of the word. This God was “manifested in the flesh” of the Man-Christ Mediator (Word) which was the Son of God. The “kingdom of heaven” which Christ came to establish on earth, is the “heaven” in which the “record” is borne, and the scriptures are the record book in which the record is certified to be true. The “three that bear witness in earth, are the water (to wash his subjects), the Spirit (to quicken them), and the blood (to justify them).” Their earthly body is the “earth” (II Cor. 4:7) in which they “bear witness,” (for the comfort of the soul). “These three agree in ONE” God-Man Mediator, Whose Divine Spirit quickens them, washes them with water by the word, and justifies them by His blood. We see nothing favoring a Tri-Personal scheme in this passage.
But we do find the One true and Living God in ONE PERSON, the Man-Christ, in whom “dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily,” Col. 2:9. In His Person was the “one God, and one mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,” according to I Tim. 2:5.
I understand that this text is called upon daily and forced into service to attempt to prove three separate and distinct individual persons subsisting within the Divine Nature. Yet it, standing alone, without inference, implication, or speculation, says no such thing about persons, either more or less; Therefore, it can prove nothing for them, either more or less. I have now spoken far more than intended under similar circumstances.
I trust this answers your concerns with one final word from me. I am in no danger of diminishing or demeaning the Preeminent Glory of our Sweet King Jesus. The reality is just the opposite. I now enjoy the highest views of His Godhood I have ever been blessed to see. He is to me as He ought to be to you, THE MOST HIGH GOD and none other besides Him both now and forever in worlds without end. Feel free to do with this information as you are led by Christ to do. I am confident He has you right where He wants you to be in this matter as in all others. His Mediatorial Office as Prophet/Teacher to the saints is sufficient to guide us both into all truth.
For this and much more, I am happy to have enjoyed what little fellowship we have had together and will always wish the highest best for you and those dear sheep you are entrusted by Christ to serve.
I shall remain, sincerely yours for the Cause of God and truth.
Weslaco, TX. 4.03.2024
Dear Brother O’Dell.
I hope you and your wife are doing well. I have been studying your response to my questions and have another. Looking to Matthew 3:15-17, would you explain who was present and in what form at the baptism of Jesus Christ? Was there a point when the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit were present simultaneously?
I appreciate your taking the time to respond.
Brother G.
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The Lord Bless you!
This flashcard contains all of the known articles written by Elder Wilson Thompson from 1832 until he died in 1866. It also contains Simple Truths, His Autobiography in a PDF file as well as an audiobook as well as his work Triumphs of Truth. Also, these works will be fully searchable and will fit on your smartphone. It will also be suitable for printing. The cost will be $50 for the flash drive containing all this information. We accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, or personal checks. For more information write to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.
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