


Saturday, May 11, 2024


Pay me well,
And I'll help save your souls from hell;
Or, like the swan.
When winter is coming on,
I to wanner climes must go,
For God has call'd me there to preach, 
I will let you know;
And before I on my journey wag, 
I must the reason Let you know, it is because I do
not get the bag.
For to work I am too grand
Then in the pulpit I will take my stand.
And there he speaks with artful guile,
The reason is he wants his pot his neighbor's
meat to boil.
His table richly clad and spread.
With the honest delver's bread;
And whether he wears coat or gown,
His preaching is for money down.
But money down men cannot always pay,
Then promises from church or boards will do a 
future day
Pray at this do not start,
For if I beg for you I must share a part,
And if I choose to foreign climes to go,
Whether God has call'd me there or no,
Money in my bag I most have,
To help me the people's souls to save.
Tho' Peter thro' Jewish cities took his tour,
And Paul the Asiatic coast did scour;
Yet for the bag these never went,
For God had these .apostles, sent.
Yet Judas, never call'd of God, 
to the eleven himself did join,
And this you know was bad, and thus his theft in
manner clandestine.
His bargain, sale trade, and death, proves he went
for the bag.
So men who hire out themselves to teach,
Prove to all around that it is for the bag they
Judas the bag did carry, we are told,
And it was this that kept him in the, fold;
But when greater gain of others he could make,
He did the Saviour and his cause and his people
all forsake.
So let it be once to the Old Baptist, churches told,
That in my esteem the missionaries have the Old
Baptist cause for money sold;
And because they can by missions more money
Therefore they do the Old Baptist cause and their
brethren all forsake.
For had not the mission scheme of money invented
been,  the hireling for to pay,
The United Baptist churches would have remained to this day.

Primitive Baptist 
November 1841

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