


Monday, July 29, 2024


[This is another sample of a never before published article of Trott (to our knowledge) since 1836 when it was published in the Signs of the Times.  It is part of our upcoming COMPLETE collection of Elder Samuel Trott's writings not only from the Signs but other Old School Baptist papers.  It is part of the upcoming Writings of Old School Baptist Preachers Volume 3 - ed]

Brother Trott preached from Isaiah 63.9. “In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the Angel of his presence saved them, in his love and in his pity, he redeemed them, And he bore them and carried them all the days of old.

2 owing to the great rain, but few brethren having arrived, after preaching, adjourned until Saturday morning at 9:00.
Saturday, August 12th

Met pursuant to adjournment. After worship, Brother Trott was chosen moderator, and Brother Clark clerk.

3 the doctrine of principles in the plan of correspondence, therefore agreed upon by the churches being read, the invitation was given by the moderator to the messengers present from such churches as accorded with those principles, and the plan of correspondence, to present their letters, whereupon letters from the following churches were presented and read: 1st from fryingpan, by her messengers, S. Trot, Thomas Lee, Charles Gullant, John Cocherell, Charles Roby, and Joseph Blincoe. 2nd Bethlehem – Messengers FM Lewis, Benjamin Pridmore, 3rd Occoquan, George Selecman, James Davis, Barton Windsor, James Arnols, M. Arnold, M. Lynn. 4th Mount Pleasant, N. Martin, William Kidwell, James Roby. 5th Elk Run, Elijah Hansbrough, William Bowersm 6th Fredericksburg, John Clark. 7th White Oak, John Clark, Chappawamsick, B. Cole, William W. West, B. Wamsley, P. Carter, G. Tansell.

4 invitation be given to such brethren present, not messengers from churches, as were with us in doctrine, in the old school stand, and as felt disposed to unite in our meeting, to report themselves, brethren Gilbert Beebe, and S. Barnes, of the Alexandrian Baptist Church, came forward and gave a satisfactory statement concerning that church, of its soundness in the faith, its healthy condition, and being on the old school ground, and expressed their desire to unite with us in this meeting. Brother Isaac Chrisman is also, of Zion church.

Frederick County, gave a similar statement of that church, as being sound and old school church, but as adhering to the plan of constituted associations. He also expressed his entire accordance with us, and our views and order, and took a seat with us. He further delivered a message from Brother T. Buck, junior, expressing his Christian love for us.

5 invitations were given the messengers from old school associations, to present their letters. Brother Gilbert Beebe reported himself as one of the several brethren appointed to meet us, by the Baltimore association; And also handed in three copies of their minutes.

6 it was agreed that Brother Trott prepare a circular letter, to be addressed to the churches, corresponding, and to all of like precious faith with us.
8 adjourned till Monday morning, 9:00, preaching by brethren Beebe, Hansbrough, and Clark.

(Sunday, August 13th. Preaching by brethren Hansbrough, Clark, and Trott; brethren Beebe having returned home.)
Monday, August 14th

7 met according to adjournment. After worship, Brother Trott presented a circular which was read and unanimously adopted as the sentiments of this meeting.

8  brother trot, hands bro, Clark, and Gullat agree, God willing, to go as messengers of the Baltimore association to be held with the Warren church, Baltimore County Maryland, Thursday before the 3rd Lord's Day in May 1838, and also to the old school meeting to be held at the same time and place.
11 it is agreed that these minutes, together with the circular, be printed into Signs of The Times, under the superintendence of Brother Trott.
12 The Chappawamsick Church, having invited the next corresponding meeting to be held with them, agreed to appoint such meeting, God willing, to be held with that church, (upper edge of Stafford County 7 miles from Dumfries) commence Thursday before the 2nd Lord today in August 1838 to continue on the Lord's day. We unite with that church in inviting all old-school churches, meetings, and associations, to correspond with that meeting by letter, or messengers, or both an old school brethren, those who are such in principle and practice, to attend it. This invitation is not limited to any section of our country.
13 In concluding the meeting several brethren addressed a word of exertion and encouragement to the meeting and spoke in grateful acknowledgments of the manifestations of the divine presence with us. Preaching again by brethren Clark and Hansbrough.


the brethren composing the meeting of correspondence held with Bethlehem church, Prince William County, Virginia August 11th, 1837.

To the churches whose messengers we are, and to our old school brethren universally, would express love in the Lord:

Dear Brethren: the letters from the several churches uniting in this correspondence were read in the meeting, and the views of the few brethren present with us, not being messengers, were freely given relative, to our old school stand, to the correspondence of the churches. And we can truly say that there was a oneness of views and of feeling pervading the whole correspondence and communications; such as is not often witnessed in these days of darkness among brethren from different churches and sections of country. The preaching, we rejoice to say, and our general interview together has been of the same one piece. God be praised, who alone could make us thus united, scattered as we are among the errorists of the day, and exposed to be more scattered, by the flattering and ensnaring schemes put afloat, under the plausible pretense of thereby glorifying God.

But we will, brethren, briefly state that we understand by the union of brethren and notice from whence this union springs.

There are various kinds of unions among the professed religionists of the day. There is, what is called the union of effort, which is considered religious. Persons are induced to unite in these religious objects for various reasons; some because they think it is pious, some because they think it is reputable, and others because they think it will promote their worldly interests or their desires for promotion. 

In order to secure union in these efforts, whilst a multitude may have the credit of being engaged in them, on pledging their money and their influence to promote the cause, the whole disposal of the funds and ordering of the affair is committed to a few choice spirits under the name of a board of managers. 

There is another union into which persons are collected in churches, and churches in associations, which is formed by proposing certain general principles in loose terms as take a bond of union, to which there will be no difficulty of any of Hagar's children agreeing; particular points of doctrine being passed over as too obtuse to be understood by persons generally. 

A third kind of union quite common, is that in which those uniting agree that each shall have and be in a measure governed by his own religious views, on conditions of mutual toleration, or of thinking all right because sincere, and of being governed by certain rules of order. 

A fourth kind of union is that founded upon persons being taught to believe certain articles of faith and consenting to submit to certain rules of discipline. But none of these is the union we speak of. All these may exist, and the heartbeat untouched. The union wheat prize is one which God has appointed, and which his grace alone produces, it is a being of one heart and of one soul. In ordering this union, the only wise God, who knew exactly what was necessary to produce such union in such creatures as we are, has revealed in the scriptures, the provisions made to ensure it: “one body and one spirit, even as you are called in one hope of your calling; 1 Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and father of all,” Ephesians 4.4, 6. 

We will briefly notice the several branches of this provision.

1st one body: the Church of Jesus Christ in all its branches and members, has, like one human body, one origin, the love and purpose of God in Christ; one production, created in Christ Jesus; One head, Christ; One birth, the same pangs and throws bring all the members into visibility. Hence as the body is thus 1 the senses, the taste, sight, and feelings, are one; and the interest and welfare, the joys and the sorrows of the whole, are one.

2nd one spirit: this body is an animated body, animated in all its members, by 1 spirit. Hence says the apostle, “if any man have not the spirit of Christ he is none of his,” Romans 8.9. The spirit being that life which was in the worker, and which is the light of men, (John 1.4.) They have the one light and of course the one vision, as well as the one animation, and one set of spiritual faculties.

3rd the one hope of their calling: called by the same voice of the son of God, to behold the same glorious prize, as theirs, in prospect and hope.

4th one Lord: one sovereign and master. Consequently, his commands are one period hence not look everyone for his gain, nor his direction, from his quarter. No clashing interest to serve.

5th one faith: one and the same doctrine revealed, and the same experimental knowledge of that doctrine imparted.

6th one baptism: we understand baptism to be here used as in mark 16.16. It is according to the Apostolic order, the first appointed act of obedience after believing, and being thus at the head, is put for the whole system of gospel order and obedience. This is given in the one standard, the scriptures, to be one and the same among all the followers of Christ, “teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you,” Matthew 28. 20.

Lastly. One God and father of all: the one God revealed as the father of all in Christ, and as the sole object of their fear, their love, trust, and worship.

Destroy one link of this chain and the perfection of the union is destroyed. And in proportion, as any of these links are destroyed in the system we embrace or in speculation, the union of feeling, of sentiment, or of action will be destroyed.

For instance, destroy the eternal union of the whole body with, and in Christ, as the head, and you destroy the harmony and oneness of feeling and interest. Embrace the system of a union with Christ which is founded on our faith, and the priority of our believing and the difference in the strength of our faith, render imperfect the union of the body. Destroy the oneness of the spirit by which we are quickened; Suppose one to be converted or regenerated by this man's preaching, and another by that preacher, one to have this man for his spiritual father and another that; or suppose each to be regenerated by his own exertions in beginning the work; and as the stream partakes of the peculiar quality of its fountain, the regeneration of each must partake of the peculiar selfish qualities of its author; And what oneness or union could there be among the regenerate more than among the unregenerate? 

Take away the one hope of Our Calling, admit the notion of different grades of happiness in heaven; And selfish ambition at once takes possession of each breast, disciple to this system, and destroys the union. Drive the one Lord from his throne, let one look to this body of men, or another to that, as Lords of his conscience, and arbiters of his faith and practice, and how is it possible that union can exist? Take away the one perfect rule of faith and practice, the scriptures of truth, and let men at their will, invent systems of faith and rules of practice for us, and union must assuredly give way to divisions.

The wise men said of one, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he;” Proverbs 23.7; how important then, to our realizing in our experience, what it is to be of one heart, and one soul, with our brethren, that we should have right thoughts of the whole system of this union which God has appointed. Let us suffer none of the human system makers to cut away a single link from this glorious chain of union. The more our heads drink into, and our hearts are imbued with all the parts of this heavenly union, the more shall we know how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

Our churches, we have to say, that we find no occasion to go back to constituted associations for a pleasant and refreshing correspondence with each other; yet we have not had, for some cause or other, that encouragement extended to us by our brethren, those whom we esteem as brethren around us, which we had anticipated. But three brethren, in any way connected with constituted associations, appeared to art with us in our meeting. They were valuable brethren, and their coming among us was much prized. Brethren from the Baltimore association, we know, we're appointed to meet us, and at 1:00 or two other brethren had purposed to visit us; what prevented their coming we know not; Or whether contrary to Paul, they purposed according to the flesh, we know not, see 2nd Corinthians 1.17. We should have rejoiced in their coming and uniting with us in our meeting; And we could but feel disappointed in their, and other brethren, not extending to us their tokens of fellowship.

But, dear brethren, you, we trust, have been taught not to depend on men for your support. The main inquiry is, are we right? Is the chain of union which God has provided, sufficient to draw and bind us together? Or is it essential that we add an associational constitution as an additional link to the chain, to make it effectual? If so, what a pity the apostles did not so understand it, and give us the pattern; for one, “thus said the Lord” is of more importance than even the uniform example of the church in every age since the apostle's days.

Brethren, let us more and more try everything by the scriptures. If we had gone wrong according to that sure standard, may we have the grace to retrace our steps. If we find the scriptures support us, let us continue, though faint, yet pursuing the path marked out for us, depending on God to strengthen us.

To our old school brethren abroad, we would say, we have we think, pointed out the true source of union, the source of divisions you have been somewhat acquainted with for several years past. Baptist churches anciently required evidence of the one birth, and that of God, of being called in the one hope of their calling, in order to membership. They referred to the scriptures as the divine rule of their faith and practice and required conformity to that standard, and there was heart union, and true fellowship among them. 

Afterward, professorships of divinity were established in colleges, and theological schools have been gotten up, Each to teach a peculiar system of divinity. Different expositors of scripture have been resorted to as guides; and lately, men have set themselves to inventing plans of action for God, and for his people; And each has attracted followers to his system or plan. And can any candid man say, that continuing to walk in the old Baptist path, and not turning aside one to the right, and one to the left, to follow different leaders, has caused divisions? Certainly not. Can we expect union if we walk with the multitude in these diverse paths? No. 

But as we return to, and continue in the ancient footsteps, of the flock of Christ; though they may be comparatively but few to accompany us, those few will realize what it is to dwell together in unity. Hence the one language spoken by our old-school Baptists, in their communications from all sections of our country. Hence in addressing our circular to them in connection with our churches, we feel confident that we are addressing our brethren, those who understand our language, who have a common interest, and one hope with us. And to such we say, godspeed you, in a good way, and in your withdrawing entirely from by paths.

The Chappawamsic Church, (upper edge of Stafford County Virginia) having invited our next meeting to be held with them, we have, agreeable to their request, and according to the plan of these meetings appointed by a corresponding meeting to be held with that church to commence on the Thursday preceding the second Lord's day in August 1838, which meeting we invite all old school churches, meetings and associations that correspond with by letter or messengers, or both, and old school brethren, those who are such in principle and practice, to attend it. This invitation is not limited to any section of our country.

We subscribe ourselves, brethren, your servants for Christ’s sake. Signed on behalf of the meeting this day of August 1837.

S. Trott, Moderator 
John Clark, Clerk


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Please send me an email at gsantamaria685@gmail.com. We will accept payment in Zelle, Cash App, Venmo personal check, or postal money order. Please make sure you give your mailing address. I will not post my Zelle, CashApp, or Venmo information until you write me due to privacy concerns. For those mailing a check or money order, you may mail me at:

Guillermo Santamaria
45 Westons Mill Road
East Brunswick, NJ 08816 USA
Email: gsantamaria685@gmail.com

Until Welsh Tract Publications is reorganized as an LLC, I will handle the financial transactions. Understand that Welsh Tract Church does NOT have any affiliation with Welsh Tract Publications. Like the website and the YouTube channel, these websites were created by the friends of Welsh Tract Church. We do not believe in any extra-church organizations or "ministries". Flash Drives are now available.

The Lord Bless you!


This flashcard contains all of the known articles written by Elder Wilson Thompson from 1832 until he died in 1866. It also contains Simple Truths, His Autobiography in a PDF file, an audiobook, and his work Triumphs of Truth. Also, these works will be fully searchable and will fit on your smartphone. It will also be suitable for printing. The cost will be $60 for the flash drive containing all this information. We accept Zelle, CashApp, Venmo, or personal checks. For more information write to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.

We are also announcing the shipment of the OSB Periodicals Flash Drive, containing all the Old School Baptist papers we can locate.  Watch the video to know more.

TO ORDER you can send $60 to gsantamaria685@gmail.com.  we accept Zelle, Cash App, personal check, or Venmo.  Contact me for further information.  the Lord Bless You!


This Flash Drive contains just the bookmarks for all the Circular Letters in the Signs from 1833-1881 (when Beebe died).  The price is $60.  Contact information is the same for all our other products, as well as the same payment options.


This PDF file contains ALL the writings of John Foster Johnson MD and Old School Baptist Preacher.  If you have the book version of the compiled writings of JF Johnson, it is incomplete.  We have included all his writings in any Old School Baptist paper up until he died in 1881.  His published book contains all that he had published up to 1872, thus it is incomplete.  This is not images of a page, this has been completely retyped, being able to be copied, pasted, and searched completely, with a table of contents and bookmarks.  The price is $60.  We accept PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, and personal checks.  The contact email is gantamaria685@gmail.com.  The address to send a check to is:
Guillermo Santamaria
45 Westons Mill Road
East Brunswick, NJ 08816
The Lord Bless You!

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