


Friday, May 5, 2023


In the latest efforts for Arminians to be able to "program" "church growth," they turn to business techniques to accomplish spiritual results (if you can call them that) - ed.
Unfortunately, we cannot, due to the limitations of this website, display the articles we wish to critique.  We strongly recommend that the reader open the two links provided, which will open in separate windows, and compare what we have written to what they see in those two windows.

The first file is an "Attendance Growth Projector."  It is an astounding extension of Arminianism to the age of Artificial Intelligence, but more importantly to our modern age of marketing.  Nowhere is the Holy Spirit or Jesus, although he does say that,

This tool is designed to estimate the annual growth rate of your church worship service over the next year. To be clear, it is a rough estimate only. It does not consider such important factors as demographics, leadership, and current growth rate. Even more, the tool cannot presume upon the work of God and what He will do in your church.

Thus after giving lip service to the "work of God" which he considers one of the factors towards "church growth,"  he goes on to ignore it and proceed as if God did not exist.  The predictions of "Church growth" on some mechanistic set of factors are horrifying to any believer in their utter blindness as to how our Lord works in his Church.

Where is the "work of God" in all this?  They have built an idol of their own hands and then bowed down before it (figuratively) to grant them worldly success and growth.  They seek the "unchurched."  What is that?  It is a USO (unidentified spiritual object).  We suppose that the "unchurched" are those who have as of yet not been recruited into their Arminian world of will-worship.

The Know Your Community Report

We strongly recommend you click here to see the original website.

In case you are wondering what the video above says, we transcribed it for you:

As you know your community, we have a wonderful report that helps you understand your community. We call it the Know Your Community report. It is jam-packed and full of data. It's got all sorts of infographics and deep dive into demographics and psychographics. It's 37 pages full of information, and the reason that we are providing the Know Your Community report is because we believe that every church has a purpose. Your church address is not an accident. God has placed you at your location. For the specific reason of reaching the people around you. But you can't reach him. Unless you know them. So check out the Know Your Community report.

Of course, none of this is free. This method is no different than any other worldly marketing report.  There is nothing spiritual about it; nothing God-centered or God-honoring in it.  We leave it to our readers to make up their own minds.

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