This is a letter written by Elder James Cash Penney Sr., father of the famous JC Penney Jr., who we know as the founder of JC Penneys - ed.
Brother Beebe:
I feel inclined to try to offer something for the perusal of our readers of our valuable medium of correspondence. "The Signs of the Times." But fear it may crowd out matter more interesting and instructive. It is a blessed privilege to hear from the Saints scattered abroad, over our land, and though my dear brother, it does seem that I should blush to claim the endearing relationship with them. Yet they graphically described landmarks along the way of their pilgrimage that are, I trust, familiar and well-known to me. But often I will diligently search myself to find the unmistakable evidence that I am born again. But in vain! In vain is the search! The more I scrutinize myself, the more I am dissatisfied with myself. It is written, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your mind and all your might, and with all your strength." And having in view the great things of Jesus has done for us, whereof we are glad. How can it be possible I could ever fail to love him with all the ardor of true devotion? Why are not my energies in His cause indomitable? Why my zeal not unremitting? With a clear view of the case before us, all this is not a marvelous "Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus." Then when we look within ourselves. for sufficiency, we are sure not to find it. "For our sufficiency is of God." All are centered on the great head of the Church, Christ Jesus. For languages, "Who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus." Not in ourselves, but in Him, "who is able to keep us from falling, and present us faultless before the throne of His glory." In the glorious meditation between God and man. "the man Christ Jesus."
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James Cash Penny Sr. |
Yes. Blessed to be the name of our Lord our God, he knew just where to treasure His blessings and His only begotten Son. Oh! Dear brother or sister. What an overwhelming thought! Think of the boundless length, breadth, height, and depth of the wondrous riches to which we are heirs! Our spacious storehouse is Christ, supplied by Him whose wealth is as inexhaustible, as his power is omnipotent. It is indeed difficult for finite beings to conceive how this wondrous wealth can be bestowed upon beings so unworthy. It indeed baffles all human reason to account for it. Men's essay to show it is bestowed upon those who are worthy. But according to this theory, not one human being would ever be the recipient of one blessing treasured in Christ. As is easily shown, "There is not a just man living upon earth that does good and sins not." "And "he that keeps the whole law in a fence in one point is guilty of the whole." This den would forever debar any from enjoying the indescribable wealth treasured in Christ. Again, others claim this inexhaustible treasure is free for all men who will accept. This is evidently true. But no man will accept."God working him to will." "For it is God who works in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." Of who's good pleasure? God's good pleasure "It is not of him that wills. It is not of him that runs, but of God that shows mercy."
What can be plainer than this? Then we have not only to praise Him for blessing us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus but praise Him for giving us a will to receive them. Praise Him for showing us first of all "that in us that is in our flesh dwells no good thing." If this will is in any natural man, then it is not a good thing, according to the popular idea of terms and conditions, if we credit Paul's testimony. If this will originated in man, surely Paul never would have made that statement that in him dwells no good thing. For if this will originated in man it most certainly is a transcendentally glorious thing. But I learned from the Scriptures, "Men love darkness rather than light. Neither will they come to the light lest their deeds be reproved." Then according to man's nature, if he loves darkness, which is here used for sin rather than light, which here stands for holiness. He can no more will to be saved while he hates holiness and loves sin, than the leopard can change his spots or the Ethiopian his color. This is fully corroborated by divine authority found in this language. "The natural man receives not The things of the Spirit of God." But able and learned at men's, say, natural men, do receive the things of the Spirit of God can and must receive them, or they will and ought to be damned. Then it is the wisdom of the world against the wisdom of God.
And I learned it was in the wisdom of God that the world by wisdom knew not God. "Whom say you that I, the son of man, am? You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." And "Blessed are you, Simon, Son of Jesus. For flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you, but my Father, which is in heaven." There is pointed playing testimony. He first let Peter know how he did not learn it. And then lets him know how he did learn that he was the Christ. How did he tell Peter he did not learn it? "Flesh and blood has not revealed it unto you." How did he tell him He came to know he was Christ? Hear his own words, "My Father, which is in heaven has revealed it unto you." Then the same point is fully corroborated by Paul, "Eye has not seen nor ear heard the things which God has prepared for them that love Him But God has revealed them unto us by his Spirit." This too, is incontrovertible evidence that he did not reveal them through the written word, nor through the hearing of that word for the languages "eye has not seen nor ear heard." But what he had revealed unto us, how? "By his spirit," is not this fully corroborated by the experience of every child of grace? Was not the preaching of the cross of Christ to us who once foolishness? Was not a do-and-live system of religion once the idol of our heart? But oh! How transcendentally more glorious. The plan of salvation by grace. After we trust in God, who commanded the light to shine out of the darkness shined in our hearts. Then, and not until then could we see, realize, and know, "that we are blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus."
This same light that shined in our hearts showed too that the hearts of the sons of men are full of evil while they live. That is, in us, that is, in our flesh dwells no good thing. And that "we love darkness rather than light." And that consequently, "the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God. And that he cannot know them, for they are spiritually discerned."
Then made it ever be my sweetest task to praise him who I trust has called me out of darkness into his marvelous light. And translated me into the Kingdom of his dear son. Yes. Praise him for "saving and calling me." And how I rejoice! "Not according to my works, but according to his own purpose and grace given us in Christ Jesus before the world began."
May my dear Father in Israel, the Lord abundantly bless you together with all the household of faith.
In hope of eternal life I remain.
JC Penney
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