x Welsh Tract Publications: HOW MUCH HE MUST SUFFER FOR MY NAME'S SAKE...




Monday, December 24, 2018


[ed. We post this email that was sent to us by Elder Chet Dirkes of Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church.  As some may know he is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer.  The Lord has chosen him to show his mercy and power.]

Brethren in hope,

Greetings and love from the Father of all mercy, which He has graciously bestowed upon the pilgrims and sojourners in this world born not of the flesh but of the will of God, and the God of all comfort who has blessed His Beloved to be chosen in the furnace of affliction.

Many will argue and contest for the translations of the Testimony which the Spirit has given us but as the passions of man escalate so the errors of his ways are manifested and the truth discarded. I mean no disrespect to the work that was done by the eternal decree of God yet I hope the Spirit has granted a view of the truth. It is the Spirit that teaches His children all things and not the books or opinions of man. Please consider the following example of the wisdom of man and the beauty of the love of God for His people and try all things to see if they be of the Spirit.

"As the snail which melts, let every one of them pass away, like the untimely birth of a woman that they may not see the sun" (Ps. 58:8) KJV

"As he who floats in his own slime which fades away, cast off as an abortion of a woman, for they cannot see the brilliance" (Word for word)

Every son of Adam is floating in his own self worth and perceived holiness unlike the 'Tola' (worm) that Jacob ascribed to. This creation of God stands as a type of the children of the kingdom for when the offspring of the Tola come forth they are born into a red slime which the mother has secrete
d to cover and protect them from all harm. What a beautiful picture of the shed blood of the Lamb, slain before the forming of Adam from the dust of the earth, for it is the atonement (covering) of the generation of the 'Anointed Salvation of God', Jesus Christ.

Adam is waxing old as a garment and he is fading away, not being able to see the truth. The brilliance of the perfection of Holiness cannot be seen by one who has been ordained of old unto destruction. He, like Adam, has been covered in the 'fig leaves' of his own doing and his wickedness is clean in his sight. He has been given of Yehovah God to view himself as worthy and to claim the fruit of the land as his sacrifice; this is the slime of man as he attempts to mimic God in His brilliance.

But the natural man, the earthen vessel which we inhabit, does not know he ways of God neither can he find out or understand the things of the Spirit. He has been created incapable of measuring up to or comprehending the wonders of the glory of His righteousness or the brilliance of His glory; therefore is he consumed by the fire of God which goes before Him consuming the wood, hay and stubble of Edom. Just as the builders of this world have cast off the Chief Cornerstone, concluding it unworthy for their uses, so the Righteous Judge of all the earth has cast off, like an untimely abortion, Adam and all his works.

Thus every son of the dust is rejected of God as they continually run, for the waters of this world can never quench the thirst of the man nor satisfy the spirit of the just. These are as worthless as the flesh which consumes them and the sovereign of the world has sent a famine in the land; not of bread or of water but of hearing the Word when He speaks. He has prepared His bow and His arrows have divided all things from the beginning cutting off Adam, like the foreskin of the circumcision, and cast him forth as the unclean thing (Ps. 58:7).

May the Spirit comfort the brethren in whatever calamity, affliction of suffering that the heavenly Father has ordained good unto them that love Him and cause them to know that the trust in Adam is as the confidence in the dew of the morning.

Your servant in Christ, by His grace,


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