x Welsh Tract Publications: ADAM AND MEANS...




Sunday, July 15, 2018


A few questions came to my mind this morning regarding "means" in salvation, particularly in relation to Adam.  I know there are some who believe Adam was the first reprobate and others who believe he was the first of the election of grace.  For argument's sake we shall take the latter position.

First.  Adam was innocent.  He knew neither good not evil.  Most people think eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil made him cognizant of sin.  However, the tree was of a double knowledge: good as well as evil.  Poor fellow!  Ignorant of what was good.

Now Adam did not remain in the state of innocence, that state of blissful ignorance.  We've often heard it said, "ignorance is bliss."  In a very real sense it was in the case of Adam.  He fulfilled the word God spoke to him, "in the day thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die."  The serpent beguiled Eve, she gave the fruit to Adam, he ate and he died. It is what happened next that concerns us.

They make themselves "breeches" from fig leaves.  They hid from God, so they thought.  But when God called Adam answered.  (Could he do anything else?)   God called him to give account and he did, blaming Eve who in turn blamed the serpent. So did God tell Adam what he must do be saved?  Did God tell him to obey the 4 spiritual laws?  Did he lead Adam down the Roman road.  Of course not.  If Adam was indeed a saved individual God did all the work necessary.  It was God who slew the animal, it was God who made the coats of skin, and it was God who covered their iniquity.  He left none of it up to Adam.

If Adam was a saved individual and it takes the means of gospel preaching for a person to achieve that state, who preached the gospel to Adam?  Did he need to  read a book to learn about sacrifices and their purpose? Someone taught Adam's sons about sacrifice, was it Adam?  I believe it was, so I ask again, "who taught Adam?"  It was the work of God from beginning to end.  Here's the thing.... if it was then, it still is.  We can rejoice in the it, if we are one of those who are the subjects of grace.

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