x Welsh Tract Publications: 2ND LETTER FROM ELDER CLARK (CLARK) 1850




Saturday, March 9, 2024


And so it is written the first man Adam was made a living soul; The last Adam was made a quickening spirit
1 Corinthians 15.45

Brother Beebe:

I now propose as promised in my last, to offer some remarks upon the verse at the head of this article, and upon Brother Trott’s exposition of it, particularly the expression, was made.

It will be observed that, in the last number of the sentence, the phrase was made as supplied, and Brother Trott could with equal propriety, have taken the same liberty with it, as he did with the word they in John 6.63; but the italics are retained as being properly supplied, in which decision I will acquiesce only adding that these supplied words are very convenient things, as they can be cashiered, or retained, as it suits the fancy, and according to the use we wish to make of the passage in which they are found.

Brother Trott affirms that the phrase here was made, is the same as, or equivalent to creation. This I deny, except under particular circumstances, which I will make in the proper place, and appeal to the law and to the testimony. We see at the first blush of the marked difference between this form of expression, and the word create. Man can make a house, a ship, a plow, an axe, etc., but he cannot create these things nor the materials out of which they are made.

The verb rendered was made in this verse, is, in the original, to become, and is the same in Genesis 2.7, which the apostle quotes here, where we read, and man became a living soul. Let us see how the scriptures will read by interchanging these terms or substituting the participle created for the phrase was made. “For as by one man's disobedience many WERE CREATED SINNERS, so by the obedience of one shall many BE CREATED righteous.” Romans 519 in this passage, however, the literal rendering would be CONSTITUTED. But I will confine myself, in the references, to a few of the many passages in which the same word is used in the original, only changing in mood tense, voice, etcetera, according to the structure of the sentence, and gives the sign of the corresponding phrase by placing it in small capital or italics, at the option of the printer.

And immediately the man was CREATED whole, John 5.9. And BEEN CREATED like Gomorrha, Romans 9.29. Who of God IS CREATED wisdom. For WE ARE CREATED a spectacle unto the world.  WE ARE CREATED as the filth of the world, I Corinthians 1.30; 4.9,13.  I am created ALL THINGS TO ALL MEN, I Corinthians 9.22. That we might BE CREATED the righteousness of God in him, II Corinthians 6.21. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, BEING CREATED a curse for us, Galatians 3.13.  Partly whilst you WERE CREATED a gazing stock. Who out of weakness WERE CREATED strong, Hebrews 10.33; and 11.34.

In the following passages, the phrase of answering to the word in the original is distinguished in the same way. And when it was evening Matthew 14.15. The stone that the builders rejected the same IS BECOME the head of the corner, Matthew 25.42; Luke 2017; Act 6.11. When the even was come 27.57; Mark 6.47. And THERE was a cloud that overshadowed them Mark 9.7. And THERE CAME a voice, and the voice WAS PAST Luke 9.35. There was a man SENT from god, John 1.6.  To them, he gave the power to BECOME the sons of God 12 verse. And suddenly THERE CAME a sound from heaven Acts 2.2. And unto the Jews, I BECAME a jew 1st Corinthians 9.20, 22. But when I BECAME a man 13.11. Now is Christ risen from the dead and BECOME 16.20. I was in the spirit Revelation 1.10. The Kingdom of this world has BECOME 11.15 and there were voices and thunders 16.18. Lord, IT IS DONE as thou has commanded. When the centurion saw what WAS DONE. The third day since these things WERE DONE, Luke 22.47; 19.21. And there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying it is DONE Revelation 16.17.

In addition to these quotations, it is the same word in the original in every place in the New Testament where the phrase came to pass occurs. And as I have shown it is the same word in the 20th verse, translated became, and is in the 45th verse, well ordered was made. We can, therefore, read it. The first Adam became a living soul, etc the apostle in the chapter is not treating the subject of creation but the resurrection of the dead, and in the context he presents a contrast between the 1st and 2nd atom, as manifested in the death and resurrection of the believer. Thus, corruption incorruption; Dishonour, glory; Weakness, power; Natural, and spiritual. In regard to this manifestation the atom of Eden, (and who was created of the dust of the earth anterior to his becoming a living soul) is said to be the first; And if therefore it means a creature Christ was not created until after Adam was, as he is declared to be the second Adam; The natural first, the spiritual afterward but in the exceptions, which I have admitted, where the word occurs and which evidently means a creature, Christ is always the Agent instead of the object. For example: all things WERE MADE by him. And the world was made by him John 1.3, 10. Besides these, I know of no other passages in the New Testament, where this phrase is found and in which God is the Actor or Agent, but the verb, to make, is used a few examples will suffice God THAT MADE the world and all things therein and hath God MADE of one blood all nations of men. Acts 17.24, 26. And worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters Revelation 14.7. 

The verb to create is employed in Ephesians 3.9; Colossians 1.16; 3.10; Revelation 4.11; And in all other places where the term is found and the doctrine of creation, is stated in the scripture. We certainly cannot understand from the declaration and the word were made or created such was the word which in the context is declared to be God, was made or created, made flesh. The verb to become is thus used and God has given us the key to solve this mystery. Hence we read God was manifest in the flesh. God sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh. And Christ has come in the flesh. And when in the likeness of men. And being for the fashion as a man. He took on him the seed of Abraham.

In first John 3.1, we read behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us. In the second verse, he is called God; In the fifth verse it is said, he was manifested to take away our sins! In the sixth verse, he is called the son of God, and again in II John 5.20, Jesus Christ is called the son of God; And as the true God and eternal life. The inspired writers must have been very unguarded in the use of terms when writing upon this subject if the doctrine lately introduced in the Signs be true. The doctrine that the son of God and head of the church is a created existence or which is the same, a creature; that God made the world by him as Solomon made the temple by Hiram, etcetera, and that we are quickened or regenerated by his creature; and brother Beebe, I wish to say to you and to all who feel interested upon this subject that this is true, a question to me of life and death; or I have not so learned Christ; I do not know him in this character; And that whether nine-tenths of the old school Baptists believed these things to be erroneous or not, I have yet, to see the first one who believes them to be true. And I presume that I am class with those of whom it is said, “that are of that disposition, that what they think they know they are determined to hold to, whether fully sustained by scriptural declaration or not; And to know nothing else, unless the Lord is pleased to show it to them, independently of the teaching of brethren of their own times;” and if so, I cheerfully submit to the reflection, under the firm conviction that what I believe is fully sustained by scriptural declaration, and I do, indeed desire to know nothing more. Nothing beyond what God has revealed; Nothing about a created son of God, which in my humble judgment is another Jesus. I reject the whole of it, whether taught by brethren of my own time, or any past time. Although the doctrine held by the Church of God at any time, is not to be set against the scriptures or classed with them as of equal authority; yet I should hesitate long before I could receive any doctrine which would demonstrate that the Church of God, if there has been any such body, has been in a dark, and in ignorance of the true character of Christ for 1800 years; and which in its result would be as direful as a denial of the resurrection, VIZ: that those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.

I am now done with this subject unless it should be necessary for me to make an explanation, or to correct a misrepresentation of something I have written, and if anything I have misrepresented others, or done them injustice in any way, I will cheerfully make reparation when notified of it. I've had a desire to be heard fully upon these points, and to let all the brethren know where I stand in this day of new things, and to assure them that having tasted the old wine, I do not desire the new, and when my communications are published I shall be satisfied. Other brethren and contributors to the signs, may believe that what they please, all I ask is the same liberty to dissent from their views if I do not believe them to be true. And I cannot believe that any have withdrawn from the signs on account of opposition being made to these new things.

One word, in conclusion, to Brother Leachman. In the work of this charging artillery and pointing out a target, I readily yield the palm to him. His prowess and experience in the field entitles him to this distinction.

I remain yours to serve,

John Clark

P. S. I feel a desire to say a word or two especially to Brother Trott. He considers it his prescription to dissent from his views as I understand him in his reference to the Rappahannock circular, but it does not reflect that he has prescribed not only all the Saints of God that now live, (I know of no other exceptions) but all that have ever lived since the Apostolic age by his doctrine in relation to the son of God. He, the son of God, declares that it is life eternal to know him; and if the character given him by Brother Trott, is true, we know him not, our fathers never knew him, and consequently none of us have ETERNAL LIFE. This is, indeed, a prescription by wholesale. Will Brother Trott think of this?

John Clark
Bellfair Mills, Stafford County, Virginia
March 19, 1850
Signs Volume 18.7

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